
The one thing about that skin is that it also changes his Ult to Wolves, which I find awesome.

Oddly enough, I NEVER play Soldier 76, but for some reason I played him a few rounds and immediately (Probably second or third round playing him) got my second Legendary skin. It was his Daredevil one. Though that was odd.

That one and Winston with “No, I do not want a... Banana”

My very first Rare WAS FireFighter Mei, and I still use it :)

I “Commended” myself once to see if I was even able to. It still felt dirty. Although, if I get zero votes but have single handedly pushed people off points or captured both myself, I will admit to being annoyed lol. Still, don’t vote for yourself, that is just sad.

This. Is. Hilarious.

I would have rather they used your Tracer image above as the response.

No one ever wants to play that game, Ever.

I dont care which way this kid swings when she gets older, I am hooking her up with one of my kids. She is awesome.

One of the few times the movie made the story MUCH better. Stupid squid with “psychic repercussions”

Tear down some dry wall, same effect.


Only a matter of time.

and I would appreciate not dying alone, thank you. Maybe our services could be together in the same church. Our families would become best of friends and call each other every year on the anniversary of our mutual deaths.

Police did try to make it to them. They dropped belts and got thigh high before becoming so immobile that they needed to get pulled out themselves. Try doing more research then what Gawker feeds you.

For the record, the police don’t release that information, public relations personnel for cities and lawyers do. I have worked for cities before, and those lawyers give zero fucks, mostly because they never get blamed for anything.

If I could only Star this more...

Untrue, I own guns and all the cops I know are either very pro gun or at minimum accepting or others legal rights to carry them. They are only against guns when they are pointed at them.

Thank You

You DID read where the cops tried but couldn’t get to the car because of the swamp right? (let alone they didn’t know if the people were even still in it at the time). They purposefully put a misleading title to get people inflamed on this that wouldn’t actually research the incident.