
Absolutely understand and respect that decision. I have friends that read the books although I never have myself, they explained how bat-crap-crazy the showed differed.

Thank you for your thorough clarification. I mostly agree with you, although I don't think personally that the majority are bad, just reported that way.

Logically wouldn't it make sense that most caps are NOT bad, like most army vets are not bad. I mean military deployment makes people see horrible things, and I would not assume that a retired vet was bad. Statistically it would be that a few are bad and the news reports it more than any other job which brings up

" I'm one of the last people who want to defend the tactics of the police, but if they are truly compassionate up to the point where force was required"

No, I am just predisposed to try and look at two sides of an incident. Apparently thinking differently upsets you since you like to automatically think that anyone who looks at something differently MUST just be "predisposed" to always take the other side. How else could someone think that way right?

The worst part was the it took Sharpton a good three blocks before he figured out what the protest was really for.


I am not ignoring your post, that is a legitimate question. I saw it in an interview with one of the witnesses. I remember that he did NOT call 911 but was nearby and said he saw the kid pointing the gun. He stated that since it was a kid he assumed it was a toy but wasn't sure. He had also said that a few

100 % agree. At least the good ones tag their opinion pieces. As of typing this, it just has it sensationalist heading "How Police Body Cameras Were Designed to Get Cops Off the Hook" with the only tag as "Justice".

Open carry does not allow in your hands, just on your body. And toys are in packages in stores. How is that?

lol don't feel bad, I just remember the class, I hadn't thought of that reason wither. It was a whole room full of students and the professor and took about a week of talking about it. Fun class though.

I do not know what you do for a living (I am not asking out of respect) but would you want someone second guessing you after a split second emergency that has no idea how to do your job? I know I wouldn't. The "Oh well sucks to be you then quit" feeling on that does not make much sense to me.

See, I just can't I hear that damn Frozen soundtrack and just can't vote Disney. But that's me.

Well, ummmm, thennnnn, ahhhhh. Stop Reading Them????????

Yellow journalism is sensationalist journalism. You think Gawker's writers would say that is what they do?

Meh never missed what I don't have. Don't feel bad.

They don't call themselves sensationalist though now do they? But thanks for the internet name calling.

Kids sick and crying on my lap, I'm bored and can't move. So yea lot-o-comments today. This displeases thine master in some way?

No, I am not. But apparently I am a little slow today. Took me a minute to understand what you were saying LOL.

I personally extend that mistrust until proven otherwise to everyone. Some people mistake that for being a jerk to people. You can be nice and just not trust someone until you get to know them.