
OR the media is too focused on a story whether it is there or not so they can sway public view against police before evidence is out, creating a false sense of the truth. Then when the decision comes out after those prosecutors and jurors see that evidence, you see it as they were too lenient because you did not get

And when an officer arrests someone on the review board, or their cousin, then what? Or are those people then above the law? Who selects this board? Shouldn't they then be retired law enforcement? I wouldn't want someone deciding if I can keep my job if they have never done it themselves personally, and I assume

We actually studied that in my criminology class. We found that their is still no tech out their (fingerprint/special ring) that could allow the gun to work 100% of the time when drawn properly so they can not use them, then of course they municipalities would have to justify the insanely expensive guns. Although a

double retention holsters just have 2 buttons/switches and triple just need to be rocked a certain way to come out. none of that prevents them from being removed by someone not wearing it, just makes it more difficult. I went to one of those citizen academy's for security at school (walking girls across campus at

Why not?

Don't forget un-biased.

What they believe is murder you mean. The point is lack of untainted evidence, not an assumption of guilt.

OR, maybe just break a false stereotype about an entire profession that just wants to harm everyone for no reason. But I am well aware that posting unpopular views is not liked by many on the internet.

well put

Or come up with a way of choosing police and vetting them so that when a he said she said comes up, you will be comfortable taking the word of the person that should really have no reason to lie over the one that is going to jail/cooking up a juicy lawsuit for $$$$$?

For the record, i saw that video. Wife runs out of the apart screaming and crying about him with the gun and about her kids who she brings to the neighbor's. You hear and see them tell him to put it down, it's obviously a gun, not HD quality but not just a blob either. Later she sues saying he never had the gun on

Ok fun scenario for you. i have your mother/wife/daughter/grandmother/etc in from of 3 crazy men. 2 have fake firearms that look real, one has a real, loaded, firearm. Their is a loaded firearm on the table next to you in this room. On the count of 3, all three men will point their firearm at the loved one of

both displayed facsimile firearms and refused to drop them knowing that they were scaring people = criminal #1 rule

all of Gawker media is anit-cop. None of their site would be allowed to post the other side. Smart ones like Kotaku and usually io9 just abstain all together.

I literally LOL'd thanks.

Their is a whole lot of Gawker and very little Gizmodo in this post.

Sword cuts both ways my friend. Personally, if you don't have the balls to tell your employer about something your protesting, you either do not care enough that you should be protesting in the first place, of your in a job that is against your own morals. But that is just my opinion.

Saying it now, Anyone who picks True Blood or "Disney Animated Movies" is a communist.

Does your infant even lift???