
Dumb enough to leave his wife's ashes in the back seat of the car? How was he dumb? He wasn't going golfing. He was going to pick up the priest to go to his wife's memorial service. Nice to kick an elderly man while he is down though. Class act buddy.

It is not as horrible as I once thought it was, but yes, yes they do. Worst part is that it still uses Origin.

Best way to scare people, make an autonomous female drone sound depressed when it is told to NOT kill civilians.

Beat me to it.

BL2 was awesome and I never had any problems with it on the PC.

No, this is all so Indie can find Han's corpse with Chewie looking on from afar.

Point taken, touche'.

The Tachikoma were great in the 2nd gig and I liked their arch. When they crashed their sattilite to save everyone while singing was pretty awesome.

:( *Sniffle*, Damn rice farmers...

This one should definitely make the list. 16 Rocked

Good point but imdb says that he will be in 50 Shades of Grey. Bet that isn't a military role lol.

I agree I thought it was him until i noticed the red in his eyes.

120 is optimal for motion, 240 is pretty much useless. 60 is average and not horrible unless you want it as a main "Theater" TV

"Same Room" Idea is a good point (unless you count old school LAN parties) but socialization on PC is MUCH better. You can throw all your friends in a TeamSpeak, Ventrillo, Mumble, Etc channel and block out all other players in the game if you want or use the in game VOIP, or just do what my old clan did and invite

100% agree. I had to force myself through most of book 4. Drawing and wastelands would make the HUGE movies out of the series.

If Origin made Premium alone $20 - $25 I would be ecstatic. Alas it is not.

You know it took me forever to realize that it was Kim, I was going nuts until this last episode it hit me. Now I can't unsee it.

Holy Shit, is that an American IT Crowd????

I would pay good money to have the sequels burned from my memory.