
It IS possible to do it correctly, but it would need severe GoT pull to even attempt it. We will see if HBO would still want to throw money at it when they get to Wasteland. I KNOW they would cancel it at Wizard and Glass anyways, an entire season of going on a flashback? Good luck with that.

Any time I see Haysbert or Foley in ANY show, I can only think of them by their call signs. They need to do something. I would settle for a damn webseries, but a revival would be great. even a movie would be better than nothing, but I am greedy and I like continual satisfaction.

It actually makes me sad that no one else ever picked it up. I think we need to start a petition to bring it back.

2 Things:

Annnd NOW I'm sad that this didn't happen.

Malcom was when WW turned and went to Wit Sec

Agreed, it seemed pretty obvious the direection the series Needed to go, and Mockingjay was it. It was a good closing to the series.

*Correction* You don't want to shoot your daughter in the face YET.

They legislated that all phones need the same charger? Tell that to my iPhone friends when I only have micro USB chargers handy.

Johnny 5 IS alive!!

Even "Da babi" has to work now a days.

Enjoy and spread the wealth

No, I fully understand where you are coming from, but I think that she could be a better rounded character with the psycho killing assassin thing going on.

If both were to exist, I would agree, but I would rank X-23 over Logan. I like the options that writers could have with her.

Now he is the Front Line Commander. He is the leader in the field that can protect himself, but is not the one to deal final blows. He is the on scene tactician that controls the movements of the troops.

You kidding?

Ugh, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Just finished the first audiobook (listen to them on my commute) of the StarForce Series.

I am so happy that I have the entire Sandman series to read all at once now. I would go crazy between these issues. I plan on doing the same for this series as well.