
Nah. Jizmodo is going to be their new sister site, edited by a returning Brian Moylan.

Benefits include not having to watch Ian Snell blow the game and access to fried Oreos before the third inning.

Point of order, "retarded Tom Cruise" is redundant, move to have BlueBeard demonstrate what that would look like.

+1 GLOREE BOYZ columnist

A copyright-protected potato, apparently.

Slight problem with that: sometimes episodes are embargoed or temporarily taken down due to contractual requirements. Por ejemplo, "Obama Wins!" was up shortly after it aired, but then came down for a few weeks after that. Probably because they were making it available for on-demand systems and didn't want the

Meanwhile, on ESPN, Gregg Easterbrook's already slurping Eric Fisher as an UNDERDOG and EVERYMAN... who was the first overall pick. I really wish Drew would reconsider giving up on mocking this haughty dipshit, especially when Gregg turns on Fisher as a GLOREE BOYZ HIGH PICK before he even suits up for the Chiefs.

Eh, there's been a LOT of similar devices coming out of China in the last year or so. Most of them are pretty much the same as this, aside from specs and all. (Some of the newer ones include built-in webcams, Bluetooth and use quad-core processors.) Those have really only been for the bleeding edge so far, though, so

Easy. It stops being worth the effort when you just don't use the damn things. I used to take tons of them from the papers the company was recycling and cut them up, figuring I'd use them. More often than not, I'd just sit on them until they expired. Now, if I do coupon, I'll give whatever I won't use to a coworker

Most of the good ones are down on Long Island, but at work, it's this one. More often than not, I just get iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts (as evidenced by the cup in the background), then, since I tend to not drink enough water, I'll refill that with water once I finish the coffee. (The cold water's usually just warm

Now playing

Wouldn't have thought they were up his alley, but okay.

Please tell me you dropped a mic after you typed that last graph, Jason.

Now I just need to find programs that can offer straight cash (homey) up-front to make these renovations. My parents are getting reamed by oil prices (we actually went almost two years without heat up until a couple of weeks ago, when they were able to save enough for a minimal delivery) and they might be able to

(grumble grumble benevolent overlords)

He's just mad he couldn't have Revis brutally executed.

<i>...typically focuses more on BS dissection.</i>

Ah, yes, the True Scotsman at work. Therefore, it's safe to assume that Infowars readers fuck sheep.

How many times did people try to send GWB ricin? Just puttin' that out there... and that's not including the right-wing moonbats on talk radio fomenting hatred of President Obama purely for profit.

They already have Swiss Army knives with flash drives (I got a 128MB one as a wedding partyish gift), but this would be a logical extension. Especially since storage sizes seem to have stabilized.

It just gets in the way. Removing it was actually really simple, even though I accidentally unplugged the touchpad in the process.