
Wait, since when does the guitarist from the Strokes build bombs?

I have a couple of spare internal antennas from when I upgraded my netbook to 802.11n, so I'm good on that front if I go with a mini-PCI card. Just need to know how to route them through the body of this headless laptop.

It didn't even come with any wifi card. A cursory glance on eBay shows that b/g mini-PCI cards are cheap and available (yes, mini-PCI, not mini PCI-E), so I could just do that. Or are there any other kinds of mini-PCI cards floating around there? I have a spare USB 802.11n adapter.

A while ago, I picked up a laptop from a thrift shop for $10. Because I'm incorrigible and figured I could at least get that much for the parts, I picked it up, and figured that it might still be usable. (It's a Dell Precision M50 workstation. P4, 2Ghz, 512MB RAM.) Bought a power supply off of eBay, and while it was

Unlike some commenters who might be me... make sure you actually ask if she'll marry you. "So... is that a yes?" when you're on one knee with a ring in hand doesn't cut it. ;)

Nope. And it's not because it's Apple. If you want Daft Punk, you've got to give up the rusty sheriff's badge.

Wife's family is mostly there, and she wants to stay close to them for now. Good thing I like them. ;)


This does seem to help with my allergies to Long Island. Also, it means you're basically eating sugar, if that does anything for you.

Unless you're famous for something you do while drunk.

I'm kind of in this boat right now. I'm planning on moving to Long Island from Connecticut, and while I've been planning on it for over a year at this point, that's because journalism jobs are kind of lacking on the island. (I've been looking mostly at NYC at this point, because the only options on Long Island are

I already know how. I just picked up a third laptop, so now I'm making $0x00488CB an hour... TIMES THREE.

The comments section is much more spam-resistant than before. You legally cannot call it a failure in any sense of the word just because of that.

Hey, the man did have explosive verbal diarrhea a couple of times in the past.

focusing on athletes who are older and more physically developed

I suppose it makes sense that most of Quinnipiac's roster isn't from Connecticut. Half the students are from north Jersey or Long Island as it is (or at least as it was from 1999-2003, when I was there). It also probably should've been noted that the hockey team basically drove Quinnipiac's push to Division I, even

Sadly, trapped under the Cone of Silence.


Izzy Alcantara thinks that's just bad form. First, you dropkick anyone that'll stop you before you bum-rush the other team.

I've never had any issues with rebates, including through Tiger Direct, except for one where I sent it in late. Don't know what youse guys are doing to get them rejected...