
Don't be so HIV-negative, maaaaaan...

Clearly, Boggs misunderstood the advice of his namesake by eating fried chicken before every pitch.

...but enough about David Vitter's extracurricular activities.

And that's just Tito Ortiz.

A car, in motion, with only the driver's side rear window partially unrolled.

If this project helps get me to a job in the city faster, I'm all for it.

You sound awfully certain of this. Perhaps... too certain... as if you were going to make sure it happened... personally.

You forgot the part where he has to be elected the mayor of one of the world's largest cities first.

Thorin mentioned that in response to a similar comment. They're working on a new name.

Guys, guys, GUYS. We're missing the real news here.

Yeah, it's an hour away from her place. But I'm moving down there in a week, so I'll be closer to those sweet, sweet parts.

Same here, for the most part. Then I discovered there's one on Long Island, which is on the way from my wife's place to my current job in Connecticut. That's all going to change in a week, though...

Oh, yeah, I forgot that I also upgraded the video with a $35 Zotac card. (I wanted to go dual-monitor.) But yeah, it's nice to know the value of things, especially when people who don't are ready to ditch them.

To buy it? Nothing for me, because it was my wife's boss's old work desktop. (It was riddled with viruses and malware, so she told him he'd be better off replacing it, giving it to me and buying their older Mac Mini.)

Depends. Can you fap to it?

And yet, WWE doesn't hold their corporate employees to the same wellness program as the talent. Probably because there's less of a chance someone in, say, master control is going to be gobbling somas like Pac-Man.

Shutting down Playbook? Is this ESPN's tribute to Drew Magary's greatest recurring item, Fire This Asshole!

CGI nudity? NOW what's Harvey Keitel going to do for a living?

Essentially, yes. As far as I know, they didn't CGI in the band for the explicit scenes, but they used body doubles.

So when Gizmodo posted this story on Facebook, they used the tagline "Sometimes Dad's wrong". Too bad they forgot that being Dad means you get to say "because I said so" and end the whole conversation.