
More like the Black Metal or Noisecore of poop



The Chanticleer cheerleaders did it

You guyth are thick in the head. You dithcutht me. I’m gonna go hang with Coach Holt-th.

We all know that the preseason is just as important as the regular season, guys...

Bloomington is an oasis of deodorant in the mist of the land of armpit

“wide, straight, steep, and absolutely drenched in WD-40”

Lucky for the US that he is such a great young plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayer.

The popularity of Roman emperors used to be affected by the number and extent of games they held for the public: feasts, contests, battle reconstructions... Must have been pretty insane. They sometimes lasted for months.

I have eaten at that very location many a time in my day. Just go across the street and eat at Ramsi’s.

Looks like Hopkins picked a winner.

I’d prefer to think of Mike Glennon as a FUture Pro Allstar, or FUPA.

Sick burn

The cutoff point is where one cheek ends and the other begins

Smokin’ Mike Glennon may just need an update - how about Vapin’ Mike Glennon?

The bikinis must have shown too much red skin.

What, Utah?

Looks similar to the one they used to have in Key West when I lived there. In the drive through you could order a draft and drive away with a red plastic cup of foamy awesome. Not there anymore iirc

Loved the original, but Aliens is the best movie in that franchise. *cues bill paxton quotestream*