
You know what’s worse than Tom though? That filthy woodchuck thing that yells at you for ten minutes if you haven’t played the game in a little while. He’s the sole reason that I’ve refused to play any Animal Crossing since the original DS version. I hope his tunnel caves in on him!

It’s a genre. If it doesn’t appeal to you anymore, it’s time to find a new one that you like better. I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way. However calling for change to an established, and very much enjoyed genre isn’t the answer. Finding one that excites you again is a better one. I still find it quite

Personally, I would actually classify this as game-breaking.  That’s as much a part of Megaman (though smaller) as gaining boss powers.

I absolutely love this game!! The east is a nice contrast to the North. It feels like life returns to it even after whatever happened before. Trickling aquaducts, flocks of birds, greenery, and lighter musical tones. You do have to go underground a lot in this area though.

Not that I’d be able to buy it, but I would actually be interested in it, if it was the original sprite from the NES version brought into a golden (or platinum) 3D figure.  Also, I’d want him to be mid-jump with arm canon out, with a single projectile leaving the barrel.

We didn’t need maps back then. :P

Is this a new No Man’s Sky update?

I think they can be enjoyed as RELATED entities.  A single timeline is way to specific and breaks down though.  Some make more sense than others.  Link should just be referred to as the “Dimensional Hero of Time and Space” and then he can be all over the place, and still hold all of the paths and stories together.  :)

Like a blob of dirt floating through the ass-end of space?

Why not?  Cramming everything into linear segments is silly, but some other way of connecting them somewhat without having to get too specific is fine with me.  That way they can diverge and converge as people see fit.  There are a few that do have some semblance of continuity, OoT+TP for example.  Even then though,

You lost me at “jiff”. Everyone knows it’s “giff”. Also, as an acronym, N.E.S. is actually more correct. Some people like to pronounce acronyms, and I guess that’s ok. I do occasionally, but only for very specific ones.

While I will say that it would be better to release it on all N platforms for sure, that’s not an insignificant difference in hardware and asset requirements. Developing for both would be more costly.

I didn’t like it at first either.  However, if you get a decent build rolling, and take it VERY SLOWLY, it’s not too bad.  There are enough platforms and walls, that you can take enemies out at your leisure from afar.  I’d recommend having a bow with an arc or throwing knives (powered up) a bear trap or frost grenade

Let’s get going!  These ships aren’t going to shoot themse...   ...wait...

Found a nice new world for a base, that also happens to have plenty of lakes. (and weird round rockish treeish things...)

Just encountered my first batch of whispering eggs last night in one of the more exotic systems. (finally got the other drive types onto my ship) It was a grey, dead, ringed world, with some largely dead cave systems, and dust clouds that looked like a giant Pig-Pen walked through. I actually find these dead worlds as

I just started dabbling in freighters finally.  I have a small fleet now, so I suspect I’ll be operating from there more than my real base for a while.  I still plan to add a bit more to the base though.

There’s not too much to worry about, if you decide to go off and explore for a while.  I’m sure you’re familiar with the Space Anomaly at this point?  If so, those inside will put you back on certain story-related paths if you stray too far.  You just have to find them again.  They’ll show up in many systems.  

I haven’t found a lake yet either after this update. However, on a few of the ocean worlds, I have found places with trapped water that looks like lakes. There are worlds with lakes though. I had been to a few right after the initial release of the game. Actually they were more pond-scale, but big enough to stick a

Yeah, they went silent (meaning straight to work fixing things and releasing nearly game-scale updates for free). Your point of view on this (while you have every right to it) is very tired now.  Maybe save the activism for something worthwhile.