
Follow the tutorial step by step.  It’s a bit different than it used to be.  Before, you could just restart the game, and maybe end up somewhere safer.  Now it’s almost always a somewhat hostile place.  I’m guessing it’s to encourage you to get your systems up, get a few resources, and find your ship faster.  


Now if someone would just make this with a Devil’s Crush theme.

It’s John McAfee on bath salts!!!

I still wish they had actual gas giants, but this is a good step.  

Can’t recommend this game enough.  It’s been a pleasure to play all the way through early access.  

I like them well enough. They aren’t without flaws, but they (along with GOG) are still the among the best things to happen to PC gaming. They make boneheaded decisions on occasion, but last I checked, they’re run by some form of humans. I just don’t have unrealistic dreams of Half Life sequels, and other

For me, the difficult game in question just has to be worth the effort. I won’t play through a game, JUST BECAUSE it’s hard. However, I will play all the way through a hard game because it’s good. Some examples:

Ha! Now It’s playing in my head.  :)

The beta source port on Steam is a nice addition too.  Really nice new rendering system and overhauled controls.  I’ve only played on it for a few minutes, but it seems much improved over the already enhanced version.

It’s funny that Gibson has stated the opinion that he has actually. His trilogy is among my favorite reading of all time. Its stories are woven intricately, his characters highly developed, but at the same time. They revolve around simple plot elements like heists, faction wars, corporate espionage all describing in

My wife doesn’t play, but likes to watch the DoA matches. Some of her friends will play, and we all enjoy it, on all levels. The fighting, the ridiculous outfits, everything. It’s the overall spectacle. We have as diverse a circle of friends as there ever was too. Heterosexual men and women, gay men and women, from

While I personally will argue 100% for your right to dislike it, and to write about it as you see fit, I do disagree. I will also argue 100% for an artist (or group of artists) to imagine their game as they see fit. I’d never try to force a view upon you, just like I wouldn’t force an artist to conform to some

I have one question. Were any of the people complaining in these threads actually in one of the world wars? I thought not. Quit whining and play a game FFS. Or don’t, but quit whining, and being shitty people.

Because it’s better that way :P

Definitely! It’s a shooter in its purest form mechanically. Precise, efficient, and transparent. You lose the feeling of controlling it, and just enter the game world. But then, that’s how id’s games are. I appreciate that they aren’t for everyone, and the very things I’m praising are at the bottom of some

This game looks absolute perfect. I really can’t think of anything that it’s missing, or anything that I’d change about what’s been described or shown. I really couldn’t be more excited to play something, short of maybe a new System Shock game.

Yeah, that’s true. It was a bit nonsensical. I just forgive it because I know what they were trying to do with it. It wasn’t wholly successful I admit. :) It was just early days with some of this stuff, and this part didn’t quite nail the new mechanic.

Well, to be fair, they listened, and added the gun-light later. I know why they started out that way. They were trying to create atmosphere, were experimenting with the mechanic of needing a flashlight, but yes, the context was a bit off. I really never used it much. Maybe in a few situations through an entire play.

It was dark. That was part of the point. There were only a couple of minor sections that were too dark for normal play, and that’s because their were related plot elements. (like guiding the stupid scientist with his lantern to get the power back on...) There were in fact monster closets, but no THAT many. They were