
It’s natural selection. Mario has simply evolved to a point where none of the lesser creatures of the Mushroom Kingdom matter. Punch a dinosaur, mind control the lowest form of mushroom life... It just doesn’t matter there. It may seem cruel from where we’re standing, but it’s a natural process there, and we should

Agree completely! It is pretty close to perfection.

Agree completely! It is pretty close to perfection.

I can tell that you must be a REALLY fun person to hang out with.

You seem to have no imagination. All you’ve done in this entire thread is crap on other peoples’ posts. Why? That’s what I went “derp” about. This is interesting on many levels. You’ve obviously never been captivated by a game in any way resembling what many have here, so why are you even posting here? I find

So what if it is? Are his pursuits diminishing your quality of life? Did he assassinate a member of your family? Are you just jealous that he’s somehow getting grants (if that’s even the case) for something that could be considered frivolous? Why should you have any reason to be angry? Seems kinda ridiculous, but

I actually just addressed this in another reply. I agree completely where online-only games are concerned. I can see this being a major issue, and it actually already is for some people.

Yeah, I actually didn’t really think about MMO / MUD style games. That’s very true. I don’t play them generally speaking, so I didn’t really think about it. I was more thinking in terms of classic consoles and home computers. However, the more we see games go always online, the more potential for lost games we

I’m not a lawyer, and don’t stay up on all of it. As far as I know, that’s not a thing anymore. I think they’ve slowly and quietly phased out the archival backup, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep them.

As long as we stay ahead of the curve in storing all of these digital delights DIGITALLY, we can at least preserve the software side. Also, as long as we don’t lose all of the schematics, most of these devices can either be built back up in programmable logic, emulators, VMs, etc. I don’t care as much about the

I can see why you would say that. However, have you never come across something that wasn’t fully explained in a game, and have it spark something in your imagination to where you start getting curious about its history. Why it’s there. Who created it (within the context of the game world) and why it was destroyed

This is a cool concept. I see it getting easier as this game is updated further rather than more difficult too. There may be some unintended side-effects and “disasters” along the way, but I have a feeling that HG is going to keep refining this game, adding more and more to do in it, until it’s pretty much what

Luckily I don’t actually see us losing this. There are massive groups of preservationists. Both in physical media, and digital. The machines themselves, are often preserved as well, and there are in fact museums dedicated to archaic digital machines, computers, gaming systems, and more. The best part of all of

Are you typing this on a PC that was made in the last 8 or so years? If so, buy it on Steam.

You can get it on Steam. Not sure about the consoles though.

I will absolutely wipe the floor with my kids in Quake 3 Arena. Who knows with anything a bit more... modern though. :)

I got it when it was first released. The learning curve was ridiculous, but I decided to stick it out for a bit, get the systems down. I got so I could whip my horrible little ship into a bay and land with no effort. Started exploring, but before all the updates, once I found cool systems, there wasn’t much to do

I’ve been playing since oh, 80/81 (granted I was a tiny kid then) and while I don’t know that I’d say there’s NEVER been a better year for games, 2017 has actually been VERY good for games. In fact, 2016-2017 have been among the best in some time. Especially for indies. I’ve played more excellent games in the last

The correct answer is that a good game that is also built to play on the nostalgia of a certain set of people, will be very successful among those people. As a developer, you just have to hope that group is as large as possible, and also good on following through on purchasing something they’ve collectively been

Yes, Chi no Rondo!! It has to be one of my top three as well. Love SC4 too. I’d actually rate all of the GBA/DS ones fairly close to each other, but still under SotN. But, as Michael Bolton would say “I guess I kinda like em all...”

Your list is all wrong.