I have to wonder if the way to “game the system” would be just playing in a free-form style, mixing all of the tactics on the fly, and not trying too hard to do, or avoid doing any one thing. That might make the echoes have more available options on the next round, but maybe they won’t use them all at once. :) Just…
While I generally agree with with this, everything has its place. Personally I like a PC+Nintendo approach as you basically get the best of both worlds. I like N’s games, I like indie games, and occasionally I like a big spectacular visual experience (like Doom, Wolfenstein, etc.) I think all of the systems have…
Do you have a PC? It’s on Steam too on the same day. It has fairly modest system requirements too.
Agree, except I wouldn’t use Cuphead as the title-pic for an article of disappointment. :)
I’ll raise you one SuperGreg:
Ok, now can we get a HUGE, expansive, TRULY 2D Metroid game on say, the Switch please? I suppose I can just wait for the next Axiom Verge game, but who wouldn’t buy a giant, modern Metroid 2D game? Still bring in the 2.5Ds and the 3Ds, Primes, whatever, but ALSO give me what I want. I demand it! :)
From the description in this article it reminds me of certain elements of SOMA. (which I highly recommend playing if you haven’t (and are into this sort of thing...))
I don’t doubt what you’re saying at all. Just saying that it runs at 60 on my hardware with VSync on. I have seen it drop here or there (just a quick stutter) but not constantly, or to the point where it would bother me. That’s with most settings cranked up. I usually ditch HBAO as it doesn’t do much for me, and…
I don’t doubt what you’re saying at all. Just saying that it runs at 60 on my hardware with VSync on. I have seen…
It does work. Pretty well in my experience.
It does work. Pretty well in my experience.
There’s actually a rather large sale on most Bethesda, id, etc. games on Steam right now for Quakecon, so more than just Dishonored 2 for the PC people...
There’s actually a rather large sale on most Bethesda, id, etc. games on Steam right now for Quakecon, so more than…
Runs fine on mine. Nothing terribly high end. 4690K+GTX1070+16GB
Runs fine on mine. Nothing terribly high end. 4690K+GTX1070+16GB
:D Honestly, I think you’d like it if you were ever excited about it in the first place. If you were on the fence, this might push you over. If you were skeptical in the first place, or aren’t into exploration, then you probably still won’t like it. However, it sounds like you wanted to like it originally, so you…
Why did they allow such servers in the first place?
That’s actually pretty close to how I played and for how long on the release version. I actually started to pick up where I left off, but realized I may miss some early mission triggers, didn’t know how to get back to my home-world anymore, etc. So, I just scrapped it, and started it again. In around ten hours I…
Are you stuck in the facility now, or is it when you go in to get the antimatter only? Reason I ask is that there a couple of items that can help you breathe underwater, but you’ll have to get blueprints, which means going to space stations, or talking to other lifeforms at bases/ports/etc. One is a Korvax helmet…
I think you’ll find that if you read what the last two major releases actually include, you’ll know that isn’t the case. If you also read all of the recent Steam reviews, you’ll see that people are changing their minds. It’s quite obviously more than a model pack. Of the ten hours I played just over the weekend,…
You should. It’s just a game. It started off as an OK game, (or even pretty good if you’re a total space game nerd like me) but now it’s really good. Holding it against the guys that made it seems silly. I know there was a lot of bullshit spewed up to release, but just put it in perspective a bit. You’re a tiny…