
Odd, I haven’t really noticed this. I have noticed some new types of items that weren’t in the game before needing some new materials, but it didn’t seem like any of the existing items needed anything new. I was able to get up and running pretty quickly on my new game. Maybe that was just lucky though, based on

You should try not to spread bad information. I don’t doubt in any way that you’re having trouble getting it optimized to run on your system, but it’s definitely not the case for everyone, or even the majority of the people that I’ve seen discussing it. You might want to qualify your statements, with the hardware

Because the game is good, and holding grudges is bad for you. Especially when it’s not even against someone that personally wronged you.

Short of what was once a very ambiguous promise of “some form” of multiplayer experience, with the last two major updates, the game actually has more than was originally promised, so I’d call that pretty close to its full potential. Of course more can be added, and it sounds like they’re working on another update

I restarted, and played ten hours over the weekend. By the time I made myself go to bed last night, I was probably as far (though down a different path) as I was in my twenty original hours. With the updates, things go faster because you have more tools to accomplish everything.

I did that one quite a bit on my first play back at the initial release. (well, casually anyway) However, the one that I’m doing now presented itself when I went into a certain system. I got a distress communication, and it took off from there. It’s a fairly in-depth and RPGish sort of thing, packed with lore, and

The new update is incredible. I actually liked the game enough as just a simple exploration game right after release, but they’ve really brought it up to its full potential more or less. (If they could add slightly better MP to where you can actually join up with a friend or three and explore together, it would be

It’s $23 on Steam right now.

It’s a step. The game was never supposed to be a fully fledged multiplayer game. Unfortunately the devs were WAY too ambiguous about that, and peoples’ (including my own) imaginations ran wild with the possibilities. This is the first step (well, second actually) step toward allowing people to interact a bit more.

Ah! Fellow controller of stars! Yes, this is exactly what I wanted No Man’s Sky for, and it even did the trick earlier on. Star Control 2 had a very profound impact on me.

If they really got all that money just from that, I am both very surprised, and very impressed. I actually have serious doubts that it all came from just selling arcade cabinets though. (with or without MAME and ROMs included) I’ve built arcade controllers before (fairly elaborate ones) but this isn’t something

This is great news! It’s ridiculous that I have some on DVD, some on Bluray, can’t get some on either really, and nothing on streaming. Ideally, I’d like the whole collection sitting in my Amazon account.

Would absolutely love to see all of the Shovel Knight - Knights. That would be really cool. Maybe Eshe from Sundered and the unnamed glob of cells from Dead Cells too. :) As a fan of Hyper Light Drifter, I definitely approve!

Shut up!!!

You’re not far off with the comparison to HLD actually. If you like HLD, then you will probably like this. Different style obviously, but similar in feel, and similar approach to difficulty.

Not for me. I LOVE Dead Cells. Absolutely LOVE IT! However, after getting a bit further into Sundered, I actually like it a little bit better. It’s easy to try to compare the two, but they are actually very different games. Sundered is quite possibly my Game of the Last Coupla Years, or at least top 3-5

First thing I noticed is that your patties are too small, and too thin. How are you going to get the perfect medium-rare to medium center with tiny little things like that?!?!?

Good recommendations for Hollow Knight. I would also check out Sundered. I find it to be absolutely incredible, and probably either the best, or in the top three games I’ve played in the last year or so. It can be difficult at times, but if that doesn’t bother you it’s spot-on.

A little late to the reply party here, but wanted to actually play the game for a somewhat significant amount of time before I posted anything. The game is nearly flawless. It started a touch slow, the enemies were weak and small, but came in swarms. The combat was so-so. However, after playing for a few more

This reminds me of the old wrench-only-runs in System Shock 2. :)