
“We are all ready to win, just as we are born knowing only life. It is defeat that you must learn to prepare for.”

I find that most games are often better with a touch of subversion. It could be my way of “playing” GTA games where I do pretty much anything but an actual mission, to doing some stunts in a tactical type of game. The one game that I always actually focused on winning in was/is Quake 3 Arena, because it’s one that I

Not exactly true. It depends heavily on many aspects of production. One can make a good analog pressing of digital source material, and it will in fact have its own subtle nuances on the medium. A high quality digital recording of analog instruments will sound very good on vinyl. A high quality analog recording

I’ve been playing it non-stop since I got it. Absolutely love it. I think I can make room for Sundered too though. :)

MetroVaniRogueUltraLite from what the devs had said. The devs actually frequent the Steam forum for the game.

I’ve been priming myself for this with about 45 hours of Dead Cells over the past couple of weeks, so I think I’m ready. We shall see.

It kind of depends. My daughter has been playing it since early access since she was maybe 5, and has a blast with it. She does much more in the way of complex play now, building things, scanning things, etc. However, she always had plenty to do before she could do all that too. I’d say it’s worth a shot, and you’d

Nice! I haven’t really played Lego Worlds much, but bought it for my kids, and am constantly surprised by the things the game allows you to do. Some of the combos, animal riding, (including sea creatures on land,) vehicles, etc. are ridiculously cool. Think I’ll grab this expansion for them. I was always more into

It has run perfectly on my last few cards. 660Ti, GTX970, and GTX1070. Not a single graphical issue. Are you running AMD perhaps? I mean, it should work on that side too, I just haven’t run one of their cards in a while.

Nice article! I disagree on the guns a bit. Throughout The New Order and The Old Blood, I felt that the guns were very precise, and they did exactly what I wanted when I wanted. Especially the upgraded cutting tool later in the game for one example. It felt every bit as good as say, the rail gun from Q3A. The

“...deserves the highest graded Stadium Events completely!”

I disagree with all of your 1996 hits. :D

But, is she Yubaba, or Zaneba? :D

My six year old daughter was Link for Halloween a couple of years ago. All of my daughters are LoZ-Insane.

Nice article! My kids are a little bit older, (6, 10, 13, 16) and I’m a little more of a jerk though. I haven’t let them touch Breath of the Wild since I started. I flat-out told them it was off-limits until I finished it. :D However, we also have multiple versions of just about every other Zelda game available

Money... Puzzle... Exchanger...

My impression of Koziel: ;_(

I think the correct response would have been, “...because that’s how I imagined and created her...” Unless his response was a joke, it’s just silly. I’m all for creators creating what they want to create. Why try to explain it away with asinine excuses? :S

Some people have all of the above, and still enjoy the Wii U. The U is hooked up to the main TV in my house still, and gets nearly daily use. There are a lot of good games on it, and it kind of cool that they’re still popping some VC games onto it. It doesn’t cost Nintendo much if anything to do that, so why not?

I stopped in just to post how this actually reminds me of a couple of very specific areas of Metro. :)