
I’m pretty sure lots of other manufacturers come out with new cars on new platforms all the time and also send early production examples to journalists, without anywhere near this trouble. You never hear of anything like this happening with a new Lexus. Even BMW and Mercedes-Benz will typically behave themselves at

You only have to observe our president to know that the Russians have a wicked sense of humor.

Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.

“all new Mustangs will get Line Lock

What I picture when I see three figure horsepower gain “kits”

Is it the same transmission as what’s on the V8 models? Does it upgrade injectors, plugs, and other things to help handle the extra air/fuel? I’d also think the clutch would need to be upgraded.

2 am in Florida, Feds including ICE agents quietly line up outside a quiet, unassuming white import shop. They place chains on the large overhead door which are firmly attached to the back of an acquired MRAP. With a solid tug and wail from the diesel powered behemoth, it rips the entire door and parts of the wall

When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.

WW1, WW2, dieselgate and now broke seatbelts, those Germans are up to something, the plot thickens.

(Stupidity of taking on sportbikes in a car aside) If they survived, I sincerely hope that she is no longer his girlfriend.


I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

*international nightmare

Our long national nightmare is over.

Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.

It is called a “hot” hatch though, isnt it?

It’s noted as “horrific.” Here’s where:

Henceforth, leaving cars and coffee events in such a demure fashion will be referred to as doing a “DeMuro”.

Thank you Porsche for proving beyond reasonable doubt that your cars are more reliable than Toyota’s.