
I’m just a poor boy, you have my sympathy

Open your eyes,

Almost got side swiped,

Is this the real life?

I think I saw a unicorn skip across a rainbow

Shoot him? Are you crazy? I can’t shoot him; he’s clearly not poor, and he might even be white!

the problem with the show is it upholds every mantra of the old version

MUCH better than last week.

“He got what he deserved”

“All I see are two equivalent assholes and one winning.”

Attempted murder.

Does that matter? If anything it makes it even worse, that would make the attack premeditated. The guy was looking for an opportunity to hurt the driver, and this was the one he took.

Right? All these fucking old white cisgender males... Sick of it!


Looks like they forgot to mention the F1's top speed.

Feel free to arrest your Mom when she crosses the Brooklyn Bridge

I’ve had more people than I want to accept think that larger displacement=physically bigger engine.

I used a little known process called "fucking."

Jason, how did you make babby?