
Like, Wisconsin farmer economic anxiety/panic? Or white evangelical mother of 3 watching young children being taken from their families anxiety/panic?

Shhh, let’s pretend anything China EVER did has anything to do with this decision for Trump to further derail his own countries economy.

I’m familiar with China’s requirements for doing business. Many companies still do so because it is the world’s largest market and a rapidly growing one at that for many sectors. So they are more than happy to invest in China simply to have a piece of that pie, it’s simply a cost of doing business. Many companies

And what’s amazing is these same fucko’s are going to line up and vote for this shithead again.

This. Even if he doesn’t actually have the authority to get them out of China, he can say he told them to and all these stubborn anti-American companies refused to do it and now look at how bad everything is.

If Cheeto Benito actually did force all American businesses to move manufacturing/assembly back to the US, what would stop GM (or Ford, FCA) to move their corporate headquarters to Ireland (ala Apple) or Canada or somewhere else?

It’s also possible that he’s just saying it to rile up his ignorant base. As bad as he is at pretty much everything a president needs to do, he’s a master at social media manipulation. How many times have the talking heads on TV wasted time on his latest bullshit tweet while ignoring the horrendous shit that this

Perhaps it’s just because I have been lucky enough to travel the world, but it’s strange to me that someone like President Trump could build an international empire (I mean, he really didn’t, but he says he did... anyway...), and still have such a narrow viewpoint with regards to trade and manufacturing.

Spoken like a true trumpanzee 

You vote for American Hitler, a brainless shithead who constantly lies, is willfully ignorant to the 10th power, abdicates American responsibilities, obstructs justice while kissing Putin’s, Xi’s, and Lil’ Kim’s asses is screwing over more of the American economy and world trade? “Shock”.

I like Buick.

Even if he could force American companies to not do business in a country (he can’t, unless it’s declared an enemy, which ... dear god), the easy workaround is to set up a new company that is wholly owned by the parent.

What are the odds Trump has no clue what he’s doing and is just throwing buzzwords like “Trade war” and “Tarrifs” out there to make it sound like he’s smart?

A lot will suffer, but mostly Trump voters so I’m okay with the fallout.

Hahahahaha. This is the dumbest shit Ive heard all day.

I believe you meant to say “Thanks, Obama” He’s the one who ruined it all by handing over a strong economy to a spoiled little shit from Queens.

1st Gear - Trump is even semi-directly responsible for the intentionally set fires in the Amazon due to the soybean tiff. China is buying elsewhere and Brazil is clearing forest to plant cash crops to respond to those market moves.

Unfortunately, the joblessness won’t be isolated to just trump voters. All will suffer.

Yeah, but they’ll blame the Mexicans and Hillary’s emails somehow. 

1st Gear: