
Ah! Not interested in instant torque, eh? You like torque to build up over time, huh? lol

First off, I’ve owned 5 GM Voltec vehicles. FIVE!!!

I agree with you in part. But what is the real issue here? The risk that some states set more stringent standards than others with automakers simply engineering to the strictest standards - as is already the case - or the fact that you don’t agree with the fact that auto makers should be made to improve the fuel

The problem is that California is not like much of the rest of the country. If you take the greater Bay Area, it is bigger population wise than 35 individual states. When you cram 7 million people in a relatively small area the pollution gets magnified. As a life long California resident I remember the constant smog

Except one was about owning a human being and the other is about a car, soooooo not really the same thing at all Dr Strawman

The Trump administration is the wrong side. The entire reason California gets to set its own rules is so that it DOESN’T set the standard for everyone else, because CA has unique air quality concerns. Furthermore, the states that voluntarily go along with CA’s standards are the ones where you usually sell the most

Yeah, but our current wet president would totally start a trade war with California, and his equally drenched supporters would totally pay $20 for a loaf of bread or a pound of strawberries to own the libs.

California is not saying that everyone has to do what they want. Some states just happen to agree with them.
I wonder if this would be the same if Rhode Island decided that their native crab population required everyone to have an EV?
California is exercising their rights to say what can be sold in their state. Those

TL;DR: Do YOU want to pay $3500-$4500 more in Ypsilanti because some douche in LA voted for tighter restrictions?

With lead added for FREEDOM!!!

Youre really going w/the ‘evidence is unclear’ route? Really? 

Obama being a worthless President has absolutely nothing to do with his skin color.

California isn’t forcing anyone to do anything outside of California! No one is compelled to follow their standards outside of California. There’s no force here, other than a state exercising its federally-granted rights to set its own emissions standards.

And it never would have been an issue if this administration hadn’t chosen to be capricious in their regulation by trying to roll back absolutely anything that Obama put into effect...

Agreed. After buying a Tesla online I don’t think I want to buy in person again (I never enjoyed it to start with but now doubly so knowing there is way to avoid going to a dealership)

you are a climate denier. The Cali standards are really the least we can do. 

I realize serial anecdote is a shitty excuse for evidence, but several of my colleagues and I won’t buy VAG products because of dieselgate.

So the manufacturers can keep doing what they’re doing and make one vehicle that meets the higher standard.

California originally established CARB and set their own mpg and emissions standards in direct response to overwhelming and deadly air pollution. At the time the Federal government was not responsive to California’s request for higher standards. So the state decided that it had to take decisive action.

It sucks having to pay more, but yes I’ll pay it so other people in our country don’t have to deal with smog and poor air quality.