
Or Oldboy

tbh, I think it's just out of obligation of finishing the show after 6 seasons. And I enjoy the experience of watching it with my friends.

I think maybe my problem is the person actually getting the revenge is the least compelling part of revenge stories in general.

Am I the only one that doesn't think Arya killing people is "awesome!" or "fist pumpy!"

Yeah! I'm sure there are plenty of movies that got the same reaction out of these folks (someone at work told me Manchester by the Sea moved them because it was just so darn real.)

Yeah, I think it's really important, especially now. It's just weird being hit that hard. People at work actually noticed I was quieter and seemed a bit down while I was playing it. I tried to explain why but even those who do play video games still didn't quite understand and just said "well, if it's upsetting you,

NitW completely broke me as a person and I had a really hard time finishing it. There were way too many moments in the game where I realized I had the same exact conversation or interaction with someone in real life, and not ones that I wanted to relive or experience in a game.

Man, people shit on Audioslave, but they were the first hard rock band to bring me out of pop music when I was a kid and introduce me to so much more. I didn't get into Soundgarden until years later. Never got to see either of them live.

I trust Villeneuve. He never really relies on unnecessary action, yet the YouTube comments section on trailers for his movies are filled with people disappointed Arrival and Sicario weren't the rip roaring action movies they were promised.

What an….underwhelming poster.

This about sums up the experience I had with the game. The forced combat sections ruined it for me. I ended up using a walkthrough to basically avoid all the fights I could and stick to the good stuff (I just don't have endless hours to sink into a game this dense anymore).

I work in mid-town NYC, one block away from Trump tower. Every time I round the corner and see that building loom, the Isengard theme thumps in my head.

The sad thing is none of this matters. There are other testimonials out there of black women who have worked for Trump and praised his kindness,generosity, and inclusiveness etc.

I've considered making a "comment bingo" board to keep open on a tab throughout my day.

I really really really don't think that the intention of the Bond films were to look at the male id. That's just what the study has become when you have 26 films to look back on and try to explain certain…choices…that were made back in the day.

*Holds breath, dives, resurfaces.*

They were my favorite band when I was 11 and was branching out of the Backstreet Boys/Britney Spears stage of my life, so for that I am thankful. Then when I got older I discovered Rage and Soundgarden. I tried to go back and listen to Audioslave as a 23 year old adult, and some of the songs are solid, but extremely

Steve's Journey Into Bondage - Part III

Tangential, but when I went to see Deadpool for a Tuesday afternoon Matinee, an elderly man, had to be in his mid seventies for sure, frail as a twig, approached me.

Signs? Maybe a bit preachy, but there were aliens.