
Is there a version of MST3k that isn't nerdy?

I just watched Live and Let Die and Roger Moore 100% pulls all that material off better than Connery. Still not my favorite Bond movie, but I enjoyed it a lot. It had a certain campiness to it but wasn't all winky about it.

Steve's Journey Into Bondage - Part II

Ah, one of my favorite Friday Night past times is to read negative reviews of great movies on IMDb. Return of the King has some of my favorite excerpts:

I love that people can have just about the complete opposite lists as anyone else and they're totally just as correct when based on preference.

Too hard to say because I saw Casino Royale way too long ago for me to have any thoughts in comparison to earlier bond films, but Skyfall maybe under From Russia With Love? I plan on watching them all in order, right through Spectre, so I'll have better context to rank them.

Got the James Bond 50th Anniversary collection for Christmas and I've never seen a Bond film that didn't star Daniel Craig (Casino Royale and Skyfall).

Least exciting conversation about butts I've ever heard.

I was a Kurosawa virgin, so I got to hit all the highlights in one blissful month. Stray Dogs, Rashomon, Ikiru, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo/Sanjuro, and Ran. The only one I wasn't crazy about was Ran. Aside from the battle scenes, I found it kind of, I dunno, stiff? That's Shakespeare I guess.



Meetups! Roomates! Lovers! I'm missing out on so much!

Seriously, what is the deal with commenters and the community here? Everywhere else I go the comments are a shit-show, but over here I find myself laughing, agreeing, and participating in thoughtful discussion.

Oh my goooooood please do. If there's a voting process let me know.

Anything Chrono Trigger screams Christmas to me since that's around the time I first played the game. I purposely waited to play Chrono Cross until the week before Christmas to try and create the same feeling AND IT WORKED.

Speaking of which, I thought that goat was possessed for sure.

Actually, how much longer before 50 Shades of Grey follows suit. do you think?

I mean they sort of do that on purpose because I'm sure some TV networks (*cough* AMC *cough*) have exclusive rights to broadcast these movies around Halloween. If everyone could watch them on netflix, why would you get hype to watch a movie chopped into a million bits by repetitive commercials and all the nudity

There's an old inn in (ha) my town where George Washington stayed and ate. I always thought it was so special until I realized he probably ate and stayed at an incredible amount of places during his lifetime.

That's a super good idea. Too often with my own family we get stuck trying to figure what to watch because we can never agree on individual titles. Then we usually end up watching late night TV…