Relieve them of their gun. Period. We should move a system more like England where most police have no firearms.
Relieve them of their gun. Period. We should move a system more like England where most police have no firearms.
Police have had un-Constitutional unrestricted assets confiscation for decades. This also includes assets destruction.
Yeah - I hope they get a bill from all the insurance companies at a minimum.
Relieve the police.
A friend of mine on the force in San Francisco has come out publicly against the Buffalo PD’s riot squad’s behavior. Aside from that, not a peep from anyone.
All I know is it would suck being a cop right now. Even the good ones are probably shaking their heads. It is Certainly Curious why so many are acting up with so much to lose......and cameras, phones, and surveillance literally EVERYWHERE.
Any police here want to push the limitations of the Blue Wall of Silence on this matter? My law enforcement friends (for the time being anyway) have been relatively silent regarding any criticism of fellow law enforcement. Some of them say how horrid the George Floyd murder was, but as far as the tactics following…
Mazda, Porsche and Aston Martin.
I’ve got a different theory: BMW is jealous of Porsche offering an optional front fascia on the new 911, and has plans to sell an alternate, as well. $1500 for a gaping maw delete? - sign me up.
It literally looks like they forgot to put the grilles in the holes (which of course are far too big at that).
let them GO, and find them later.
Can someone please photoshop a normal grille on this thing so we can show Justin how much better the car could look?
Pretty Asian car generic. Not ugly, but hardly beautiful. Just inoffensive, safe, and not very memorable.
A confused Crack Pipe without even reading Rob’s wonderful description.
I will forever associate this car with low, to mid-level drug dealers making the move from marijuana and crack, to cocaine and smack right before getting busted and the car ending up in a police impound lot and then later auctioned-off to yet another low to mid-level dealer who puts aftermarket, OZ rims on it, before…
“I have a feeling that the Mexico issue is not entirely beyond us yet,” warned Dietmar Ostermann, U.S. automotive advisory leader at PwC
It’s Canada. They asked politely and said please, so the driver really had no other option.