
XXXXers gonna XXXX


People who are different than you. There are billions of them, you know. RIF.

Did you read the article? Or their site? It's not a battery.


Hear hear. I don't understand why the quacks are up there but the good comments are down here in unapproved.

There is no such thing as Western Medicine. There is medicine and "non-evidence based psuedo-scientific quackery."

Maybe it's because you're trying to compare advice from a dentist to a site called Man Packs.

Ugh - where did the original photo for this article go? The new one looks like one of those creepy 70s "Love Is..." ripoffs. Seriously guys - more photos, less photoshop and crappy illustrations, please? I love you guys, but it blows when the site looks like photoshop vomited on it.

Haha you and me both, brother.

Don't mind him. I don't even understand why he hasn't been banned yet. He's full of shit.



I dunno, those don't look like they could hold much weight.

Screw the haters, I think this is a good idea. I have those concrete dorm-style walls so mounting speakers is a pain in the ass. This works for me, and it's cheap too.

> Read everyday

And yet here you are again to stink up the place. Shame, the comments here looked much better with those retarded comments.

From the article you didn't read: "Chrome and Firefox users can use AdBlock Plus' built-in typo protection, although it's geared towards helping you avoid malware-laden domains that are a letter off of popular ones."

Hey man, whatever works for you. Doesn't mean it has to work for everyone else.

Ah, jackass commenters. Complaining about things you don't understand on blogs you don't or can't read.