
You're right. And this both costs less and the benefit is greater. You get a better shave, healthier skin, look better, and feel better as well, all for spending LESS money. And once you're used to it, it doesn't even take more time.

I love you guys but that picture is all kinda of WTF. Kids in wifebeaters with spaghetti hanging out of their faces? And if it's dining out why is there a large house's dining room behind them? And why are there glowing tiny toys up front? Cause you're supposed to entertain them with glowing tiny toys? Couldn't you

Well, at least you understand why that didn't make sense. Might want to swap the order of operations there next time. Read, *then* comment. :)

Yeah, I love the idea of this but god damn $3.99 is too much. $.99 and I might consider supporting a dev with a good idea, but $4? Wow.

I guess you're not familiar with what "app" actually means, then. Take your complaints to the Mac App Store and the Windows App Store, then come back once they've changed their names.

"I've never had a problem with it so naturally no one else has and the app is perfect!"

+1. Thank you. Seems like a lot of people around here reading the headline and not the article. It's not hard people, it's like two paragraphs.

Uh, the article suggests using one tool, possibly two, together in conjunction when the in the absence of a lid. One of those tools is the one you're already talking about. You know, nevermind - just...nevermind.

But wait Kotaku! You're not allowed to critique stuff like this because other posts talk about or possibly praise video games that are violent and possibly topical to modern events or warfare too!

Hah - very true.

You could at least read the article before wisecracking next time. You'll look smarter, Mr. IQ > 40.

You didn't read the article at all, did you?

You...didn't read the article at all, did you?

I normally love you guys, but this time I think you were reading from the press release and not actually using the app. :( I tried it, and it's awful. It doesn't give you "software updates, apps, accessories, and hacks," it's just "okay, I scanned your phone to get its model number now i'm going to feed you a bunch of

Agreed. I tried this app, and it's straight up terrible.

Thank you thank you thank you.

Pshhht! There's no place in this thread for your LOGIC and KNOWLEDGE! Just snarky self-entitlement! :D

::sigh:: Just stop. Pay attention in class. Maybe then you'll stop being so self-entitled and learn something. Most notably, how to count (you really should run those numbers again, looking more closely at which articles are applicable to linux users - not just what you THINK are applicable to you), and how to look at

Then you haven't been reading all this time you've been "going," have you?

You're right, don't bother with the rest of the comment - because cherry picking one week (and then, even doing that wrong) clearly proves they've "abandoned" Linux. Because writing about operating systems that people actually use instead of your personal favorite means they're doing something wrong. Do you complain