
Yeah, that study is about hormones, not milk - and hormones that aren't even used in milk anymore, frankly.

[citation needed]

haha glad to see you've given yourself the appropriate score for trying to be a smartass and being so amazingly, colossally wrong

hahaha get curbstomped, troll :D

I see a graphic citing sources for its information, and a commenter citing none. So no, apparently not.

Dear sapsap,

Ah Josh! I see your trolling days aren't over and you've been keeping the fire burning after several redesigns and multiple bans. That's commitment, son. Good job.

Agreed. I've been using it for a while now. :)

No thanks. I don't make a habit of being pushed around by ignorance.

That means nothing, and probably cements the fact you shouldn't toss around the word.

Only if you're the type of person who doesn't know what "ghetto" actually means.

Gotta love lessons on "credibility" from people who don't understand how the segment works *and* can't read enough to find out.

Seriously. I love hacker challenge, but the best submissions are almost NEVER EVER the ones they pick as the winners.

Agreed. I have no idea how "stand two pallets up next to each other" is a more clever hack than actually making something out of them.

They addressed that in their last post on Google Alerts, which I linked here because I was surprised it wasn't in the article, but apparently Eric decided he didn't like:…


Sure you have. Sure it does.

Yeah - why use the time you save from being productive to be intelligent, thoughtful, and contribute to a discussion when it's just so much easier instead to use it to be a jerk in the comments even more efficiently than before!