
The fact that you assume that every article posted here reflects a single minded prescription of something everyone should do as opposed to suggestions and tips that people can and should take as they see fit and disregard when they don't work for them tells me you take the internet entirely too seriously. As if your

Yeah! What we really need is more iOS articles! And more idiot commenters trolling articles on the internet!

And there would still be assholes making comments like this one. All in the name of being ignorant douchebags who don't like good things and try to ruin them for everyone else.

And if it takes you an hour to figure out how to uninstall a Chrome extension, step away from the computer. Permanently.

lol - malware? from the CHROME WEB STORE? Sounds like a PEBKAC error. Maybe an ID 10-T error.

Seriously? How can you miss that readers nominated this? And they didn't recommend just factory built-in units, they mentioned aftermarkets too. Really gotta read before typing, you know. Don't dispute your point, just your tone.

Did you even read it? Every one they mention comes with lifetime map updates, so your point is completely invalid. There are lots of reasons to dislike dedicated GPS units, but outdated maps isn't one of them - or hasn't been since like 2003.

What a terrible comment. Shame you can't read.

Congratulations! Your short sightedness is part of the problem. If "my life is of little import" then why is every company who can track and obtain data about it so eagerly interested in finding out more about it and selling it to the highest bidder? That "nothing to hide" "give it all away" mindset is what brought


As long as good people do nothing, it'll continue. As long as there are morons like some of the people in these comments who take everyone who spies on them at their word, like "oh, uh...we you to improve store layouts! Yeah! That's it!" (anyone who believes their right to privacy is a fair trade for bigger

You've never had a problem with spending Canadian money in the United States? Impressive, unless you're like 10 miles from the border.

Fair, sorry for directing that at you. Pet peeve of mine. :)

Yeah. Pill bottles aren't completely waterproof people - they may be resistant, but they won't keep the water at bay for long. "at least for splashes and a quick swim" is not the same as "waterproof" so ymmv.

Right. Do you have any suggestions on someone else's currency I should use while I'm at the beach here in the US, and how to convince businesses to treat it like legal tender?

Indeed! Which is why you've gotta get that schooling you were talking about. :) Glad we've come to terms!

I don't recall asking for your point. In fact, you were the one who came out of the blue to attack me while I was talking to someone else. I'm not butthurt, I'm not even irritated, this is all quite entertaining actually. As for cooking and eating inferior food, I think I'll take the word of a food scientist who's an

Please do. :) Also, since you're clearly losing count of the people who are trying to point out to you how wrong you are and have me mixed up with someone else, I didn't make a "point" here that needs substantiation. I commented to etwarrior that you're intent on poisoning this thread and shutting down people who

Different people can have different opinions. Different writers for the same outlet can have different opinions, and publish them. I know it's confusing when you expect one voice from a website, but no one is confused when the New York Times runs articles from different viewpoints, so I don't see why anyone should be

Sorry, say that again? I didn't catch your meaning through that twist of logic and extremely poor phrasing.