Sadly nothing can compete with Sweden's.
Sadly nothing can compete with Sweden's.
MKC uses twitter as sources.
The Browns made a good decision by firing these two clowns. However in typical Browns fashion they let Banner higher a head coach and THEN fired him.
Maybe I misheard her but I think a girl soon after said she wanted to be a senior.
Well, Thomas Bach is German.....
And still is. The days they they show only Top Gear are the best.
Not Albert obviously but the ratio should be some where between 60:40 - 55:45 hot sauce to butter. But really just adjust and taste as you go. If its too buttery, add more hot sauce and vice versa.
As for hot sauce types? Shit, its your wing sauce.
For some reason I read this in Bill Clinton's voice.
But how many people can spend 100,000 on most things, let alone murder.
The presidential debate one is amazing, so is the Joe Biden one.
<del>Lou Brown</del> (Got a guy on the other line about whitewalls)
Always wanted to make a Browns lowlight video set to this song. Never been a better time:
Or watch what Luis Suarez just did.
I didn't mean my statement as a definite. 49ers fan may be more than willing/capable of travelling for the game. I was merely suggesting that perhaps it isn't always the case that they "travel well" but are merely front running assholes who were born and raised in the host city with no ties to visiting city other than…
49ers fans travel well
"nnnnnnhhhh PEPPERMINT ROLL"
too fucking bad if you live outside of Southeastern Pennsylvania