Drinking with Skeletons

They’re right, though. There is nothing in this series that approaches the artistry of Ghibli.

We’ll try again.


You're delusional to call anything about this dull show Ghibli levels. 

I’m Commento!

BoJack had 6 seasons.

I think you can definitely get that feeling that they were leaning toward that theory, but my theory’s that it’s the result of the perspective of the miniseries focusing on Joe Exotic. The husband’s disappearance only really matters for two reasons: Carole’s battle with her inlaws, and (more importantly) that the

Man David Spade looks terrible. 

It’s actually Episode IV: A New Pope

The relationship between the British press and their royalty is baffling, hilarious, and deeply creepy. “How dare our prince step back from his sacred royal duties of presenting awards, attending funerals and pretending to run charities! And just because we’ve been relentlessly abusing him and his wife for years? This

1. He 100% sent Ozy up there purely at his request and also as a “thank you” of sorts for that amnesia device. He was more of a threat to himself than to Earth more than anything.

He wasn’t killed, he was teleported, presumably to some sort of containment in the abandoned mall.

So *my* question is how did Original Adam manage to grow a mustache and become Zorro Game Warden? It seems obvious to me that Doc Manhattan partly sent Veidt up there because he felt he might or would become a danger to Earth (again), but it wasn’t implied that he placed Original A in that role. (Poor Original Eve

Yeah, the fact that everyone on the Senate Appropriations Committee gets to see it is the only thing that really bothered me. Because that means dozens of senators who are politically opposed to the Redford administration have seen proof that the squid attack was a hoax and they’ve all just kept quiet about it all

I don’t think the Kavalry *does* have the Veidt video. An inner circle of the Kavalry that Senator Keene is using to manipulate the Kavalry as a whole has it. I’m pretty certain the average Kavalry member doesn’t know about it and believes all of them are following Rorschach’s inspiration.

That’s the “American Hero Story” show-within-the-show, though, and the episode goes out of its way to demonstrate that it gets a lot of stuff wrong. It’s even interrupted by Laurie calling it garbage.

I’m fully on board with thinking that Veidt’s plan from the comics makes no sense, and would work for maybe 6 months. There would need to be followup steps...and I guess that recording a self-incriminating message for a future president makes as much sense as anything?

I do agree, tho, that Ozzy recording a video explaining in detail what he did to the future president of the nation is wildly out of character with the figure we saw in the comics. But I’m willing to give the writers the benefit of the doubt on the 7th Kavalry- we don’t know if the entire group is a part of whatever

One thing to note about R’s journal: it doesn’t actually spill the details on the squid-bomb. Rorscharch doesn’t learn the true extent/specifics of Adrian’s plan until he and Dan go to Antarctica. The journal lays out his suspicions that Adrian is at the head of some kind of conspiracy and most likely killed The

Man, the build-up to actually seeing this thing feels like an eternity. And not in a ‘I have seen the trailer for ‘Knives Out’ before every single goddamn movie I’ve seen for the last six months’ kind of way. This thing hits all of my film nerd buttons, hard. I want it in my brain!