Drinking with Skeletons

He’s the only Batman who’s got the courage to just go full leather daddy with multiple Robins.

Beaten with the crossword and jumble section of the newspaper every day growing up

Holden’s monumental ego is definitely his most unbecoming characteristic. Notice that when he got up to make a toast to Shepard at the retirement party and Shepard walked out, Holden’s speech was basically just congratulating Shepard on hiring him and allowing his genius to flourish and revolutionize crime detection.

Elgort in this movie l0oks like a fratboy accused of rape who’s gotten a preppie makeover for his trial.

Various thoughts:

These movies are more like “Adventure-Horror,” if we are going to classify them as anything.

It’s really not.  Watched it with 2 other people and we loved the movie.

Also, pretty lucky no one else was staying at the Inn. Or working there at any time of the day ever.

Hey all. Just wanted to drop in here and give a very sincere thank you to everyone who’s read the piece and everyone who’s commented below. I had to kind of talk myself into writing this, for a number of reasons, but I’m glad I did, and I’m deeply moved by the responses here—by those of you sharing your own

I haven't played Control but I will say this; the title is a goddamn SEO nightmare.

Funnily enough, Control begins with a Stephen King reference as well...specifically to The Shawshank Redemption.

Alan Wake and Quantum Break are Xbox exclusives I’ve always wanted to play, and they seemed like franchise starters, but they didn’t go anywhere. I have a theory/suspicion that the audience for these types of games will always be larger on playstation than on xbox, so I’m curious to see how well this one sells, now

Plus moments of tension that can go unstated yet implied, like Greg mentioning how embarrassing it is that his interview failings are there on tape for all his colleagues to hear. Oh, how humiliating to expose yourself to your colleagues via these interview tapes, he tells Carr without at all understanding how much of

Speaking of, in a LPOTL Patreon exclusive interview John Douglas says that the only serial-killer interview he recorded was his first. Noticing the device made the subject cagey, he never recorded an interview again. So here’s a fun thought exercise for aspiring TV writers: What narrative purpose is served by

But when I look at Gunn all I see is Dr. Evil. I just keep waiting for him to finish a sentence and then bring his pinky up to the corner of his mouth.

I appreciated Tench’s lack of patience for rumors of occult activity in his neighborhood. That kind of crap is how we got the Satanic Panic.

I just commented somewhere else about this same topic but it’s still bugging me! It’s so fascinating how Trench picks up on Gunn right away and I can’t figure out how. This season already seems to be asking more about recognition and the ego, at least for now.

Yeah. Also not every school that has houses is Hogwarts. That wasn’t something Rowling came up with. Heck my high school had four houses named for the founders (who were I believe burned at the stake for possessing copies of the Bible in English).

1) it is more palatable with rapid watching, and 2) drinking helps.

As someone who bowed out even before Steve Carrell left, this was a fascinating paragraph to me.