Drink Chocolate Milk

Really looking forward to picking this up tomorrow and I didn’t have my doubts, but it is still nice to hear that the golfing is solid. I’ve only ever played mini-golf irl, but Toadstool Tour made me a fan of golf games after renting it on a whim back in the day. Although mostly just a fan of Mario Golf games I should

Liberal: I believe in tolerance and holding space for multiple viewpoints.
Also Liberal: If you are pro-life you are stupid.

Microsoft makes an Xbox because capitalism. I’m all for thoughtfully criticizing the modern failings of capitalism, but this ain’t it.

No—Xbox is making a mini fridge because of dumb internet memes. Xbox, as a division of the Microsoft Corporation, exists because of capitalism, specifically, the same global capitalism that gave us Sony’s Playstation brand (literally the product of a corporate disagreement-turned-rivalry with that third

You have job... coz capitalism. 

Tetsuya Nomura needs to be FIRED and PUBLICLY FILLETED for his crimes against Final Fantasy. This shit is so fucking embarrassing. I don’t even have anything funny to say about it, I’m just pissed. I guess it really is up to Yoshi-P to single-handedly save this franchise, after all.

For international readers unfamiliar with scatalogical grading scales, “Bullshit” refers to something terrible and low quality, but “Batshit” refers to something crazy and insane. “Shit” refers to something bad and “The Shit” refers to something exceptionally good.

Some money got laundered.  

puts on call of duty. shoots. gets shot. gets bored and turn off the game.

XI got a really generous demo at least on the Switch release - no time limit, just a checkpoint you can’t pass literal hours into the story (probably at least 6, depending on how quick you are; can easily get a few more if you’re trying to savor it or be completionist), amd I believe you get up to a full

Now playing

This is as good a time as any to post this brilliant video.

I was in high school when Pokemon really started picking up steam in the US, and it all seemed very much aimed at someone half my age, so after brief humoring a friend and playing through Blue, then watching the back half of one episode, I wrote the series off as Not For Me and dug into some of Square’s deeper PS1

Humanity is amazing. We could do anything, if we put our minds to it and work hard. Cure diseases, land on Mars, expand into the depths of the oceans, travel among the stars.

Okay, but now do it while solving a Rubik's Cube. 

So you have to stand next to the closed gate at the start of the level for 117 seconds within the first two minutes of starting with four players.

Can’t believe you forgot WHALE SHARK, given the current topic about an actual whale XD

Former environment artist here: probably just as a backup in case the physics goes stupid.

A little background from someone who has been getting too into chess Youtube:
Bongcloud is basically a really bad move that Hikaru uses as white to force black to take the initiative, and then he will attempt to defend and hope that black makes a mistake he can punish.

Buying accelerators to hatch eggs is like buying keys to open lootboxes. It’s much of a muchness.