Drink Chocolate Milk


Preach! It’s depressing how fucking far gone kotaku is from what it once was. It used to be full of great journalism but now it just sounds like an angry high schoolers shitty geocities blog.

Go fuck yourself

The only thing that got exposed here is that in a community of cry babies, Matthias was the king cry baby bitchass. Good riddance loser.

Dat frame rate do


Shit, I'm going to Houston to start redlightcam.

Does this mean we can finally get Ehrgeiz at evo?

So ugly it doesn’t even get a favorite artwork section in it’s article. Also, it’s nose looks more like an anus than it’s pink spikes look like dildos.

You must of shit a brick when you left. 

I was playing Pokemon Shield when I came across this pokedex entry for Sizzlipede:

Seriously, thank god we can remap them now. 

Can’t believe how far I had to scroll to find this. No nobody remember how amazing this album is? 

Welcome back! 

Where is the Politoed breakdown?

If it ain't broke...

Nailed it. I wouldn’t even blink at paying $699 but I'm glad it's probably gonna be cheaper than that. 


This is one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever read on the internet. Listen to what you’re saying dude. You’re trying to argue that this might be an actually viable strategy just because nobody has tried it before. Might as well line up 13 punters on the offense. If the 13 way punt threat doesn't keep them in check,