Your double standard is showing

Am I the only one whose favorite is the Tom Jones t-shirt? The "WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA" on the back is what seals the deal.

Get out!! Need one, would wear it...hello Neo.

Anthrax vaccine is also mandatory now (for soldiers and even civilian contractors) when deploying to certain areas. I remember in the early 2000's when they were giving the vaccine you had to read through a bunch of pages about side effects and warnings and you supposedly could object to getting the vaccine.. After

Science is the fairy tale! Don't you know that all scientists are involved in pulling the wool over your eyes! Contrails!

Wanted to get in early with this one:

we do vaccinate military personnel for it still*

Maybe obesity should be a little more shameful than it is now. We can start with the ridiculous notion that a person's weight is largely out of their control.

If someone wants to reject the facts, that's their business, in a free country

No, vaccines are safe for anyone who is not allergic or immuno-suppressed.

Almost sounds like a romance gone bad, don't it?

Maybe they're having trouble casting minorities because going on The Bachelor/ette is like, the whitest thing one could ever do.

Needed more SLAYER!

Personally, I thought the dancing sharks and beach balls stole the show.

YES. I thought I loved the chess show, but the sad beach balls and dancing sharks were the tits.

WTF didn't Wilson just hand off the ball?!!! For fuck's sake!

Fine, but those dancing sharks stole Missy's show.

If by io9 you mean the writers? Frimly pro-science and thus pro-vaccine.

I once had a young mother tell me that she was against all form of vaccination because you get vaccinated for others, not for yourself, and thst she didn't get why she should risk the life of her kids to save others.

"Porn is Fulfilling a Male Fantasy"

Story of the century, folks.

It was truly strange, like talking to someone who refuses to believe that water is wet.