Your double standard is showing


It doesn't exist. The disease doesn't exist. It was eradicated, globally

I'm in your side.

Plenty of people are fine with fat shaming.

Because prohibition was so successful.

Unless they're outring children's lives at risk.

It's no longer neccesarey because it's been eradicated worldwide. The disease has been wiped of the face of the planet, a credit to vaccination policy.

This is where the argument has evolved to.

I was worried people were running out f ways of ostracize themselves.

I told my doctor, I says, "Doctor! It hurts when I go to prison."

The unmarried kind?

I hope the rainforest get saved and the Jewish childrens slaughtered in the holocaust weren't sent to hell as most christian doctrine teaches us.

There are objective things you can do to be beautiful.

The Patriarchy

I could think of seeing something far more offensive on television:

That's right. You tell that black person they are racist. Self-hating, no-good cross-burning bigot.

What are "white" people?

That's right! Mo's a racist!

Tell us more about these black folks. Might help explain a lot.

You assumed because you're a racist.