Your double standard is showing

On which wife? The third, younger one?

As long as you did it for reasons you understand and not some fucking whim.

because you're smart.

Your husband will wear his tux again.

You'll wear it again, dipshit.

If you actually thought I was a troll, you absolutely handled this the wrong way.

You're a keeper.

It works both ways.

All grooms should ask their finances how much they spent on the dress. The dress they'll wear for one day, 8 hours at most.

Organisms tend to do that.

In other news, a senseless crime occurred elsewhere, today.

You're superfluous. You chuckle about doc news when your neighbor's daughter has to drive 300 miles to get an abortion.

She's agaiinst abortion, isn't she?

Liberals are a big part of their audience.

He was being interviewed because he's selling a book.

Who's buying it? Death row inmates with an IQ of 67?

They're wrong on principle. However, the legislation was so draconian, they couldn't agree to it.

The wife and I were down south with her family for the holidays.

Book was trash.

Nothing screams rehabilitation from narcissism like doing a variety show television interview, on a major network.