Your double standard is showing

The number of male nannies is dismal.

How about a picture of marshmallows and feathers?

Lobster sucks.

What isn't right is that there are people dumb enough to do it.

Why are people stupid enough to do it?

Right. Because teenagers are known for their thoughtfulness and consideration. They often ponder choices exhaustively until coming to a tortuous decision. Especially popular males.

Forget MRA. Why is everything a fucking false dichotomy?

It's totally a myth that feminists have thin skin.

Who doesn't love televison focused on vagina?

Tabloid news is what sells.

The dress, or what's underneath it?

Of course he would. Because he doesn't believe in abortion. Because he's a catholic.

Ask a man.

But it sounds so cool, these old timey Japanese men that murdered foreigners because of their racism.

yeah, Japanese racism sounds facinating.

"Not not nor don't"

Yeah. That's an awful fact.

I wasn't aware that unemployment was gendered.

I keep asking myself why I earn a legitimate living when it's so easy to rip off women. They seem all too eager to throw money away on pleasing men sexually.

It's a pity women sexually objectify themselves so much. It makes it rather difficult for the unattractive women to find a good man.