Your double standard is showing

... until you need one, just like lawyers.


And yet she's flatterred.

Yeah. Random middle aged women can be made a celebrity because of their uncommon beauty. How awful.

Yeah. Sex. That awful reason we're all here.

It's about that age women shed their self-righteaous attitudes about objectification , and begin wondering why they aren't objectified more, in a nostalgic way.

Women want to be worshiped?

You sound insufferable.

Why would you be with someone that doesn't respect you?

Which is a post-hoc rationalization. You seem to have forgotten the order of events

He wasn't robbed.

He also thinks the earth is 6000 years old, so we're not exactly dealing with a towering intellectual here.

Hard to practice body autonomy when you're fucking dead.

I have blocks I play with too.

Well, yeah, especially when you're an octogenarian.


Why do people with dementia have control of there finances????????????????????????????

Sooooo, you don't want men using the label then?

Bimbos and ditzes, eh?

As long as you're overthinking it, you're doing it right.