
@USBhack: That was the first thing I noticed about this article. Before the title even. I love that book.

@FiveKidsDown: Maybe I'm just applying too much of the thinking from Moneyball but I thought that his biggest point was that Battier was undervalued because his contributions don't show up in traditional stats. And of course this article could have been about other players that have similar types of impact. That

@EnigmaNemesis: Exactly. The Metallica cover of Stone Cold Crazy was the B-side for the Enter Sandman single. For me seeing the inclusion of songs that Metallica covered earlier in their career is the coolest part of the game.

@Jeb_Hoge: Isn't the Fiesta a Mazda2 competitor while the Focus is the Mazda3 competitor?

@Ash78: Well when the WRX first came to the US the Wagon was $500 cheaper than an identically equipped sedan and most people still chose the sedan.

Why the fuck do people continually insist on just converting prices in foreign countries to US dollars and talking about the price? An S-class Mercedes is not a $90K car in Korea. Its about a $200K car. There have been price fixing lawsuits against foreign car dealers in Korea and there's a major company that

From everything I've learned from crappy Hollywood movies a kludged together junkyard dog of a car is just as capable as anything else in a post apocalyptic world so I'd just go with something from the pages of Project Car Hell. Although there would be something to be said for cruising around in the Auburn speedster

Why is the Xbox 360 Wrangler covered in Red Rings of Death? Doesn't seem like that's an association you'd want to make?

@Mad_Science: The problem is no one bought the Legacy Wagon. At least not that many when compared to the the Outback. I don't understand the popularity of the Outback over the Legacy Wagon but the sales numbers speak for themselves. Its not like the Legacy is lacking for ground clearance either. I've had no

@pauljones: Compared to the old group-B rally days when people actually filled the road and parted like the Red Sea as the cars approached this is downright safe.

@Elhigh: Since the name of the engine starts with Eco it must get good mileage. I've heard that for every gallon of premium pump gas it burns it actually produces a gallon and a half of C16.

@Tomsk can park himself, thank you: It looks like a Volvo torque curve allright but not a diesel. Look at the curve for the S60R and V70R. The Turbocharged 2.5L I-5 in them doesn't make as much power as the ecoboost V-6 but the shape is almost identical.

That torque curve is almost identical to the Volvo S60R and V70R. Except its 55 lb-ft more. Very nice.

@Deartháir: On the other hand I look at the design and Hyundai badge and just don't give give a shit. I hear "low pressure turbo" and "a peak of 223 lb.-ft. of torque starting at an impressively

@middyz: I think that no matter what the literature claims the removal of all those items is more about cost reduction than weight reduction. And honestly thats fine with me. Even if its not a stripped out track car I'd much rather have $3000 than the features they've removed to make this model.

@infmom: They're not top of the line which is why I said if you "don't need the latest and greatest" but I have found them to be plenty reliable which is all most people need. And like I said I paid less for the motherboard and CPU than you would pay for the CPU alone at Newegg. I have no problem paying less and

If you have a Fry's nearby and don't need the latest and greatest motherboards be sure to check out their cpu/motherboard combos. I bought an E7300 + motherboard combo back in November for less than what Newegg currently sells the E7300 by itself for.