
These “new money” people are a joke. You can get your kid into ANY school legally by just calling their development office and paying for a new building or naming rights.

I was always under the impression that if you had money then you could go to USC. There was no need to bribe anyone because the outrageous tuition was essentially the bribe.

Coaches for college sports teams are already among the highest paid college employees, if not the highest in most cases. College football regularly fucks its players over. Student loans are a complete scam, but for most people, they are the only way into decent schools. Now we find out that overpaid coaches are taking

Still kinda looks like a low budget TV movie.

I mean, they’re specifically making a movie that’s a sequel to a movie that was a Freddy Mercury biopic, not a Queen biopic.

Coal Miner’s Daughter II: Back II the Mines

Given how historically accurate the film was, they might as well just go for broke in the next one and have it be about Brian May inventing a time machine, so they can have all sorts of excellent and/or bogus adventures.

I believe 28 may be the age that all possible deferments are used up and there are no more excuses left. One K-drama recently ended several episodes short because its lead actor had hit magic number and was abruptly called up for service.

It’s all good. He had one-hundred-twenty doctor’s notes. 

Most of them are decent entry points, so long as you’re prepared to roll with a few references you might not get. There are some prequel elements in this one, but I think they’d work fine as a first exposure to the characters and things in question.

No joke, I’ve seen four Marvel movies. Black Panther, Thor Ragnarock, Ant-Man and the Wasp, the most recent Avengers movie. (It’s been a long, cold winter here and I like watching dumb action shit from Netflix on the treadmill).

Well it is an origin film so it does stand mostly on its own. But there are so many connections and easter eggs to other MCU movies, that she’s sure to be lost on some of that. Captain Marvel also leans pretty heavily into sci-fi. So how she feels about that is something you may want to consider.

I can’t wait for the Incel-edited version of this film with all the Brie Larson parts removed:

I didn’t say it was,  I also think that you are under the impression staging social media things is a lot more work than it actually is.  She served concessions at a screening of her movie. so fucking what?

Captain Marvel, it appears, also follows the trend set by Black Panther and Ant-Man And The Wasp, which have drawn audiences both older and more diverse.

Its called an Iphone, it takes pretty good pictures. And you can post those pictures from the same device! Egad!

Saw CM Thursday night. I really enjoyed it. It made me extremely excited for Endgame

“It’s an origin film/ prequel to the other films. The odds were stacked against it in all honesty.”

It’s a Marvel movie. There was literally nothing stacked against it. 

I am really happy it did well just to show how little the trolls actually represent of the movie going population. Honestly, I hope in the future less and less time will be spent covering these peoples whining. As that is all it is, whining of man children who cant accept change is happening to what was once their

Like Netflix, AV Club holds its numbers close to the chest, so we will never ever know.