
I love that it was a full suit with a ballroom gown. Gives it a really androgynous feel. But yeah, this is totally some bull because you could probably see Prince wear the exact same thing and these fools would be going wild over it and talmbout how innovative he is. 

...and then there’s this gem...

Men have been wearing “dresses” for like, 95% of human history. For a bunch of idiots who long for the yesteryears of history they sure are absolutely clueless.

God, the fragile masculinity of some of the men I’ve seen comment on this outfit.

“It is thoroughly serviceable and has a message that is at least attempting to be positive.”

The family complained that the story was bullshit. i listen to the family

He also called Mel Gibson a racist, so that was neat.

The issue is that the story in the movie is 95% untrue. These two men were never friends; the driver was fired after 2 months. Mr. Shirley was not estranged from his family, didn’t have issues with his Blackness (the idea that he needed to learn to accept himself is absurd), didn’t need to be taught about Black

At its worst, I felt Birdman was forgettable. Crash and Green Book are two pretentious white savior movies which make them worse. 

Anything except Bohemian Rhapsody should have won over green book... and I say that as someone who doesn’t think bio pics of famous people should really be eligible for best picture, but at least Vice required some level of acting choice on parsing how Cheney really felt.

I have to think this film benefited from some vote splitting. The other films were all pretty much evenly well regarded (except maybe Bohemian Rhapsody). None of the nominees was way ahead of the pack, and a clear winner, so all the votes got distributed and Green Book squeaked by.

Wait, you don’t mention Dafne Keen even though she was awesome in Logan?

And costarring Clarke Peters as Morgan Freeman

Is Lin Manuel gonna rap about killings God?

I know the 2007 movie had its flaws, but casting was not one of them. Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman, and of course Sam Elliot were absolutely perfect in their roles and it’s going to be hard for me to think of anybody else.

Hey look, It’s Dafne Keen (Laura from ‘Logan’) playing Lyra.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

Rating it R would lock out a bunch of girls who might be excited to see it but are also not old enough to go see it if it were rated R. She can still kick ass in a PG-13 movie, see literally every movie she’s been in so far.

I haven’t really cared about who wins, aside from the Saving Private Ryan/Shakespeare in Love bullshit, but by god Spiderverse better win Best Animated Film.  It should’ve been up for Picture as well for being unique and ambitious.

I’d love Black Panther to get all the awards, and failing that, I’d love The Favourite to get all of the awards, but I’ll be happy if Into the Spider-Verse wins for its lone category, as I expect it will.