
I know they at least have Dumbo and Mulan on the docket, but I really hope this bombs in Solo fashion and puts these live-action remakes on halt.

Oh, they literally meant “remake,” as in “shot for shot, and including original actors” remake.

Remember in the 1950s when movie studios would turn out epic spectacles with huge budgets and casts of thousands and flashy widescreen formats, as a way to counter flagging interest (and provide something TV couldn’t)? I kind of wonder if this is a similar thing. There’s nothing particularly “artistic” about Disney’s

I remember watching the original Lion King and being so blown away by the animation. There was that moment when the camera refocused on the ants walking along the tree branch in the foreground, and I just thought, “This is amazing. They can actually animate something this beautiful.”

I see absolutely no point of this movie apart from making money. Like, in The Jungle Book at least Mowgli was live-action, this one is just another animation. That being said, I’d book my ticket today if I could.

Nazgûls Go Wild!

BREAKING: Christopher Tolkien hits back at accusation by revealing unpublished archive of his father’s ‘locked bottom-drawer’ material, not to be published until 50 years after his death. Titles include The Getting-Laid of Lúthien, Durin Does Dol Guldur, and, most unfortunately, Concerning Hobbits’ Bums.

You’re thinking of teenage mall goths. I’m guessing baby bats are a seriously small portion of The Satanic Temple.

Back in those days you had to pre-order to guarantee a copy. No harm done.

I’m always amazed at how much of the corporate life revolves around making the people in charge feel good about themselves (ensuring that they feel in control, validating their decisions...) and how little in comparison about building great products and selling them for a profit.

Let’s not hyperbolize Diablo 2. There was no “fear about what was hiding behind each door”. There were no “impactful skill choices”. The only thing impactful about the skills was finding out too late you invested too heavily into a skill that scaled horribly because the dev team knew nothing about how REAL RPG stats

You said that Diablo’s biggest quality was that fighting against the hordes of evil shouldn’t be easy. And it’s just hard to take you seriously about caring about difficulty if you only played the easiest difficulty

They make sense on the surface, but when you dig deeper you see the problems. And they are largely tied together. For example, as the article notes, they arguably cut bait on D3 too early. It started terribly, but was changed into a game much of the fan base enjoys even if there are still things they wish had been

It just comes off like you care about difficulty in Diablo, but then chose to avoid anything difficult in the game. I mean, Diablo 2 wasn’t difficult on the base difficulty either, you had to beat the game a couple times before the difficulty ramped up.  Judging D3’s difficulty without touching Reaper of Souls is

‘Normal’ in D3 is not like ‘Normal’ in most other games. It is literally the easiest difficulty level of the game, so it should be easy to clear. Hell, even Hard and Expert aren’t all that challenging. Master or Torment I are the difficulties you should be playing if you’re looking for any challenge, but even those

Good read again, enjoying the real journalism.


1) Someone from within Blizzard looked at Diablo and thought “What people want from this is Dark Souls”? Dear god I’m not sure any game is more diametrically opposed to what I want out of Diablo than the Souls series. And I love the Souls series!

“Essentially it exists because we’ve heard that China really wants it,” said a current developer. “It is really for China.”

This is kind of like white people getting mad Willie Nelson supported Beto O’Rourke. Anybody surprised that a pot-smoking, long-haired hippie wouldn’t support a Republican is... well, stupid enough to vote Republican.