
And when has Trump ever lied?


Statistically, of course.

These surveys only give odds, it doesn’t mean yours will be unreliable. Same the other way, not all Toyotas are reliable, but most are.

Most Mazdas are pretty reliable.

Not really. My guess is none of those had enough surveys to be statististally useful.

Probably not enough surveys to be statistically reliable.

I admit I was surprised Mercedes wasn’t on the list, but BMW has really upped it’s reliability in the last several years. 

Sure. If you pony up the cash for their website, you can actually dig deeper. While they give a generic overall score, you can still aim for what you want. My take is something has to start out with solid reliability before I will even consider them, but still leaves a wealth of choices.

On my car, there’s a slight stop before it engages. It’s not that hard to overshoot it, but overall I like the feature, and I MOSTLY have control over it.

I already do, so might as well make it useful.

Yeah, Huntington Beach vs OKC isn’t even a choice.

If I lived in Newport Beach, I wouldn’t want to move to Seattle either.

And yes, I know a joke that has to be explained isn’t a joke, but it hasn’t stopped me in the past.

Should have been blasting the Oscar Mayer theme.

It’s just a “premium” feature that probably costs almost nothing. My 2006 CRV had just autodown. My 2007 Accord had auto up/down. When my CRV’s switch went bad, my mechanic apparently put the “wrong” switch in because it auto ups/downs now.

“Our highest priority”.

In the mind of UPS management, everything is always without exception the employees fault. If a parked truck gets hit, they will blame it on the driver. That kind of mentality.

Getting proper sleep is really hard for those of us with insomnia. While the Union is bad at getting the company to treat people well, it does protect workers to a certain extent who treat the company poorly. If I can’t sleep at all, and feel that I will have a bad time at work, I can call off with zero repercussions

I wouldn’t go that far. UPS pays their employees much much more than they would like because of the Union, and they get gold plated health insurance and a real pension. So, on those issues, the Union is awesome. On operational direct job related issues, less awesome other than it is really hard to get fired. If you