
Do they have a Hateignorance column?

That was Sinead O'Connor. Good lord. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm taking a huge dump on a guy's career because in his mind he's magnanimous for not turning off the radio when "Royals" comes on. Like to him that's being charitous and open-minded.

Pike Place is a good cup of coffee. But no indie cred, I guess.

So beyond that he's a narrow talented guy playing variations on the character they helped him develop on The Daily Show in every single thing he's in, he has no taste in music and considers it elitism and he's something of a jerk. He doesn't sound like someone I'd want to be around.

Aw, come on. I sarcastically said that it was inherently funny when women do that and you flippantly responded with "well, yeah. Kinda." Now you're backpedaling. That somehow you didn't get my initial point?

I don't know what you're looking for here. Do you need me to define the term for you? Or how exactly your dismissive attitude that women not acting like demure ladies who would be aghast at the notion of violence or the light pornography in view or their imbibing of liquor is funny because that's kinda funny when

Epic misogynistic comment/bro profile pic synergy.

Apparently, it's just inherently funny that some women watch porn and get drunk and disorderly. Ha ha.

I can almost see the videos through the directv ads.

Here's some cartoons that start with every letter of the alphabet. Some of which we've seen.

I like this article, although I disagree with a lot of it.

This is the most confused title. Couldn't decide which pun to go with so your decided to use all of them?


Why was it hot in an all-encompassing foam outfit that was made out of a material that is used inside coolers to insulate? Ayuck ayuck. Was it summertime or something?

Somebody define "cinematic" for me.

Seriously. It totally is a fad. Look beyond your hipster friends.

Phoenix and Affleck didn't play everyone in the media. This site's very own Sean O'Neal knew it and knew it very early and did many Newswire articles about it being fake. Of course, that was kind of the point too.

Loaded Weapon 1

That one sign said "boner" on it!