
Murray and Teti have the same joke about characters getting their own place on the list because of a lack of candidates. Too bad they appear in adjacent letters V and W.

Most of the creative crew went on to work on MAD Magazine and it evolved into one of the most influential magazines of all time. I really don't see how the publishing company that was about to put out yet another periodical wasn't going to evolve at least one other title into something special if they weren't all

I don't feel that Tim O'Neal sold his line about the loss of EC Comics being overblown. Largely full of crap?

Hunger Games and Starship Troopers fit. Good examples. I don't see it in 1984, though.

I have, angry guy. Like all of Godard's films, it's very kitchen sink and dispenses entirely with genre constraints. We can talk about that exclusively if that makes you happy. I went off on a tangent, as film discussion tends to do.

All these sci-fi films that have dystopian, government controlled societies sure thought emotions would get eradicated. What's more realistic is having Big Brother depending on society remaining in a riled up state. That's how a populace is controlled. I can think of six emotion-outlawing sci-fi stories off the top of

Having Marv in Nancy's thread is logical since it's well established that he's obsessed with her. Inserting him into Dwight's storyline is the one that really appears shoehorned. To me, anyhow. Couldn't tell you how his appearances work in the original comics anymore as I don't care for Frank Miller since getting old

This is a fun little "kill your idols" column and I nodded in agreement many times. Just one point, though, that tweaked my pet peeve about the Sin City sequel: the sequel had Marv in it because the books have characters in them even after they die. Because they jump around in time, and the film follows suit. I get

I deserve a downvote. What idiot doesn't know the difference?

Forget about it; its AV Club. Patton Oswalt could right curse words on a cocktail napkin with lipstick and it would get a B+ and make it on the end of year round up lists here.

This article sounds just like people who complain the letter grade system the AV Club uses. "You gave this an A but you only gave THAT a B!?"

11 Questions: why tailor an interview when you can slap a form onto it?

My understanding is that the extended edition will be as long as two really long movies. There's already a rabid backlash on there being the three films. I'd really rather not have to listen to the echo chamber of whining for a fourth time.

Hey, has anyone mentioned a million times that making three films out of one book is excessive? That seems like something people would say. A thousand billion times.

A table read. People getting exciting over a table read.

"Sock puppet" isn't an insult. It's a term used to describe when a website's contributor signs in under an assumed name and poses as a random commenter who just coincidentally vehemently agrees with an article and the writer of said article. A practice I caught Dowd engaging in months ago when he accidentally

That's your contribution to this conversation. An overwritten personal attack ending in elipses. Glad you could feel included.

I defy you to find one insult from me. One personal attack.

I get the e-mail notifications. I get to see the original comments. What you just wrote is a straight up lie.

Three times you edited this comment. And you edited the previous comment to make it look like you didn't deny that I had quoted an article. You are the worst kind of person to argue with: the kind who changes his story to remain right.