
This is a damn fine article; well-informed and never trying to upstage the subject.

It strikes me as odd that AV Club writers will talk about intimate details of their lives when discussing the most B of B-movies. I think I'll call it the Rabin Effect. From when he reviewed a direct-to-DVD movie by opening with an anecdote about his foster family evicting him.

I've complained on this site before about its relentless fan service to Oswalt, but damn I would go see these films. These are great ideas.

Aren't giveaway tickets normally for opening weekend? Isn't it a bit weird that it's for a movie that's been out, what? Two weeks now?

I was referring more to how they're having a 50 Shades soundtrack and movie giveaway. Which is kinda weird, but that the movie has been out for a couple of weeks makes it even weirder. Who is this for?

What happened to this site?

Ugh. Lloyd Dobler? He's a frickin' stalker. What a terrible person, let alone role model.

Holy crap. I can't even get to a reasonable discussion as I've been flipping through literally pages and pages of people discussing the word "problematic". Boring.

This article mentions Star Trek as though this film used elements thereof. But in actuality, Gene Roddenberry very much had this film in mind when he first created his most famous show. But that's just minutiae in the Robby the Robot story.

Blah blah blah see Forbidden Planet. Anyway; Robby the Robot!

I'm arguing that people need to calm down about Lucy because film's business is fakery. All movies exaggerate, bend then rules or just straight up make things up. Somehow you read that as me getting upset. It's ridiculous to choose this one to be insulted by.

I don't see where you're getting that I'm worked up. I never cursed, my caps lock remains untouched and I never attacked anyone personally. Where do you see me getting upset?

I assure you that no one believes that people only use 10% of their brain. Not anymore, anyway. Not with the rabid response Lucy had.

I'm not attacking you, angry guy. I'm just saying that the response to Lucy was ridiculous. Everyone was clambering over each other to be more offended by a silly little sci-fi movie that was more interested in action than realism. And that's fine. But being offended by it is a waste of your time as you're expecting

If your gauge as to whether a movie is good or not rests solely on verisimilitude, then I can't imagine you like too many movies.

Having never heard the originals, to me this sounds like yet a third song I haven't heard before.

People are cool with a movie that doesn't even bother to explain how jamming a computer chip into some soft, dead brain tissue turns a girl into a full-on robot, but heaven forbid a movie uses that piece of pseudoscience about people only using 10% of their brain as a storytelling shortcut. That insults our

I remember back in the 80s when James Cameron was supposed to helm this film and then Spider-Man. What a different world that would have been ("different" being a relative term here).

"I meant to do that" is a thing that Pee-wee Herman used to say.

Somebody tell Ignatiy Vishnevetsky what "two picture deal" means. And how a guy can either be sued and have to deal with that mess, or just go to a recording studio wearing whatever and read a script for a couple of weeks for a stupid Garfield sequel and make some stupid money.