
So your stance is that you're just some random guy who would defend this boring, unoriginal review and get worked up to the point of hysterical namecalling and personal attacks for what? Self-righteous justice? That's what you're going with?

This isn't even your only sockpuppet account.

"…when watching The Desolation Of Smaug, it’s possible to see what a superb film (not films) Jackson might have made out of The Hobbit, had he simply done a little condensing."

Aw geez. I covered this as well. Do you pick your sock puppet names randomly out of the dictionary?

Do word-for-word quotes count?

I'm not treating it as an esoteric complaint. It's quite the common reaction by both people who have and haven't seen the films. It's a boring stance to take. Whether or not you like the films, focus on something that gives insight.

I made my statements and backed them up and you required more evidence that I refuse to do the research to provide. I'll check in on his reviews periodically to see if he moves beyond kneejerk, superficial deconstructions of film but I don't hold out hope. If that means in your mind you won something, congratulations.

I've already put more thought into Dowd's reviewing philosophy than I really care to. And this dimestore psychology is a waste of time. Discuss his personal motivations doesn't interest me because I have yet to read one of his reviews that shows any insight. Merely that he rates films rather than critique them. Go

You're commenting to the middle of an ongoing conversation.

"His [Peter Jackson's] Hobbit series has only one ending, and it comes not a moment too soon."

The previous sentence? Regarding how the only good thing he could say about the second film? That he wants to rush to the endgame instead of enjoying the scenery?

No one is asking that they tailor every reviewer to a film they're predetermined to love. But when a reviewer is exhausted by a trilogy before the first film is complete, he obviously has no patience for two more. I don't know about honest, all I know is that the only good thing Dowd had to say about the second one

Best scenes? Weird.

Yeah, get Dowd to review the last Hobbit movie. He was bored with the property before the first film was over so I'm sure he'd have a fresh viewpoint for this final installment. He had this movie reviewed before An Unexpected Journey was released to theaters.

I couldn't support this statement enough.

I never called you an idiot or a jerk, nor did I insult your intelligence. My "jets" are fine. You're the one resorting to cursing. I just pointed out that you stated the films lacked elements that they demonstrably included.

Bilbo saves the dwarfs from the spiders, he distracts the orcs long enough for the eagles to show up, he engages the trolls in banter until Gandalf can crack a rock apart and let the sun turn them to stone… he saves them tons of times. Did you even watch the movies?

Yes, we've already established you want a rushed single film that somehow both is letter perfect to the text but also somehow still has a two hour running time, excises the wonderful character moments, stays dialogue heavy, action light and apparently has no heft because the text is a light, silly children's story and

You should revisit The Princess Bride and pay attention to the speech Fezzik has while fighting Westly about fighting many people versus fighting just one. The dragon killed tons of dwarfs, but many, many made it out alive.

You call shaking off a shower of molten gold as though it were an ice bucket challenge diffusing him as a threat. They cause him an annoyance and in retaliation he promises a genocide. I can't help but think maybe your expectations are wholly out of sync with what this film was trying to accomplish.