
Bring back Random Roles. 11 Questions is really lame. It would be better if it wasn't high school newspaper-level questions. "Worst job you ever had"? Ugh.

Snow White was rotoscoped, the ripples in the water were not.

I love this column. This article, in particular, is great. I'd disagree about the supposed "unanimous acclaim" of Barton Fink, though. Metacritic has it at 69%. Not bad, but certainly not universal.

"…especially because in my biased opinion, The Lion King is Disney’s most technically brilliant animated film."

Don't worry, O'Neal; no one will accidentally think you know anything about a young adult franchise. You can shut down the false bravado.

"Pulp Fiction hit Cannes like a hypodermic needle to the heart."

Nope. I just threw this on there because I felt the statement was mildly irresponsible and sincerely didn't expect to think about it again, let alone have a conversation about it that would last for days. Or, rather, have a conversation about me that would last for days. You're unsettlingly interested in me and what I

Sometimes I think the commentary board on this site is 50% sock puppet. It seems all I get is you paid contributors pretending to just be concerned readers.

Well, there you go; a recent poll concludes that two thirds of everyone knew who Space Ghot was even before Cartoon Nework snatched him from the public memory dumping grounds.

I'm not sure how extensive your poll was, but I find "mostly-forgotten" to be an an arbitrary statement. Especially considering how very influential that Alex Toth design remains to this day.
And I care so much because this is a pop culture site. Where people dig his sort of thing and the discussion thereof. Initially,

Why do you say that?

Space Ghost was a "mostly-forgotten 1960s Hanna-Barbera cartoon superhero"? How do you gauge "mostly'forgotten"?

The AV Club turned into Esposito's personal blog so slowly, I didn't even notice.

I watched this every week without fail. It messed up my Friday night, but it was worth it. I came in as an Evil Dead fan but stuck around because it really was a "feel good" show. Do they make "feel good" shows anymore?

Your joke is "Hey, screw you"? Is that the first draft of your joke?

I was responding to the two deleted comments that were cut and paste copies of one another. They're gone now, otherwise I'd have commented to them directly.

Geez, how many sock puppet accounts do you have?

My post is a compliment. Your reading comprehension and viewing comprehension are about equal, it seems.

I'm pretty anti-Dowd, but this review is impressive in that he put a lot more effort in giving it a fair assessment than it seems to deserve. I may never know because I doubt I'll give this movie a shot. But kudos regardless.

Will Harris is earnest. He seems like a really nice guy.