
"With confetti bursts, glitter rainstorms, and silvery puddles, will they dance through this time?"

There are sixteen films in this set. I guess in Dowd's head, the only way to do Herzog justice would be to put out a cost-prohibitive set of every single thing the man's been involved in?

Fun fact: documentaries take time to edit and distribute. Things that were popular during filming sometimes are no longer popular when the film finally gets seen by a paying audience.

I would have loved to read a Sean O'Neal interview with Franco. I wonder if he'd have been able to keep up the snark with the guy on the other end of the line.

Forget about it; it's Dowd.

Right? People can't just compliment something, they have to tear something else down to do it.

This is a pretty impressive list.

Why watch a fictionalized recounting of the phenomenon filtered through some show's subjective plot when you can just read about what it is?

"Why is it that every movie I see in the theater is light projected onto a screen?"

"Here's a thing you probably don't know about me…"

Really? Dowd? That guy time and again comes right out and says he has super hero exhaustion. Get someone who will have a fresh view. Not someone who whines about the elements that comprise a super hero film. Yes, there will be a special effects blow out in the third reel! Of course there is! Do you complain every time

See, her name is Cameron, which is sort of like "Carmen". So instead of "where in the world", it's….
I can't even finish. That's dumb.

It should bear beingnoted that the film is a loose adaptation of 20,000 Leagues.

There were two giant monsters that Godzilla fought in this recent movie. Did Sam actually see it?

People old enough to want to see this know how to torrent? I didn't think there was an overlap in those two groups.

How can you learn to appreciate art if you only want to experience things you already agree with? You're right, I shouldn't have called him an idiot. But I can call him boring.

I'm sorry that you took offense to anything I said. Arguing film is one of my favorite things to do. To me, this has been a blast and you've been a great foil. I am doubly sorry you don't feel the same way.
You certainly spent a lot of time arguing about the appearance of the truck, the twist and the scene introducing

I still couldn't use an emoticon.

I'm sorry. I should have put an asterisk in there saying that I was being sarcastic.

The car chase: she was driving one vehicle. Not the other. That would be silly.