
Your guide to the expanded universe: It no longer exists. The end.

I think it's ludicrous to consider a truck found at a farmhouse to be a plothole. Yes, the fellatio scene and him arriving at the farmhouse are all in her head. If that's insulting you somehow, I suggest that your problem with the film lies more in your strict need to have everything spelled out to you than this film

I have no idea what you're arguing about.

She wasn't in the back of the truck. She was driving. She only appears in the back with the other girl when the truck stops. Did you watch Fight Club and walk out of the theater saying, "but in the car crash scene he's driving and in the passenger seat? That's unpossible!" And, seriously; where did the truck come

Sandler was quoted as saying he takes jobs for the locations rather than the quality of the film. Whereas this situation is some guy saying it sounds like Aja had a bad break-up. See how those aren't in any way similar? One is a quote, one is conjecture based on nothing but some random guy's gut feeling.

Where did you see other characters beside the lead seeing these events?

Your friend of your friend is an idiot. That's a challenging film.

Please show me an instance where someone besides the lead sees something that they shouldn't. Anywhere in the film.

Where do you see rules set up and then broken? It seems to me there are expectations set up by you personally that are not met. Which really isn't the same thing.

I have no idea what those two things have to do with one another.

Shock for shock's sake!? In a horror film? That's unprecedented!

I find the notion of possession by a magic creature to be laughable. I still think The Exorcist is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen.

I own it. I've seen it a few times. I feel like there are no loose ends. The big "why is that opening sequence in the film" thing that everyone trots out happens in her head. It's really not hard to see.

Liked for the quaint idea that Eddie Murphy reads any of his scripts before signing off on them.

I'm supposed to remember something about your town.

That's a lot of reading into the filmmaker's psyche rather than what is presented in the film. It reminds me of a commenter I read once who complained that Lost in Translation sucked because it had parallels in Sofia Coppola's life. Really, what does your opinion on the filmmaker's motivation for their film have to do

You're complaining that a horror film doesn't have the verisimilitude level you're expecting? That's weird. It's a thriller. And it ramps up tension like crazy. Unless you're too busy sitting with crossed arms being insulted by a film that just wants to scare you.

I'm already too late to head off the people whining about the "twist ending" and how "it doesn't make any sense" and other such nonsense. It's a great film with an unfair public reaction. Look, twist endings have a long history in filmed horror all the way back to the "it was all a dream" endings that tons of silent

"Can't be arsed".

Can't even be bother to make the graphic anymore.