
Huh. I read the pronunciation in my head as "cove-in". It must actually be better.

"How do you build trust with your actors". Somewhere, a college paper is missing its hard-hitting entertainment reporter.

The second episode is an over-the-shoulder shot of someone watching the pilot episode. The third episode is a static shot of someone not caring. *Spoiler* It's me.

North Texas?

Nope. I'm in Texas. I guess I'll just rely on Google. But don't you ever stop going on tangents in the comment sections here.

I read that too. I thought it was pretty clever.

Dude, I want to hang out with you and have you update me on DC continuity. Over beers.

Wow. That's really cool, man. Now I can sing that "Weird Al" song about having a lame claim to fame: I chatted on a comment board by a guy who is dating a girl who had her comic reviewed on The AV Club!

I'm just giving you a hard time, man. But seriously; you're a linktease.

I was reading your comment and had a second tab all ready for the link you were going to give where I could read this torrid story of copyright disputes between large comic book publishers only to find you're basically telling us to go find something ourselves.

It's like they're making this stuff up as they go along!

Does this mean that Mr. Mmxyzptlk can say his name backwards but if he doesn't mean it he gets to stay?

Holy crap! I knew that The Authority was going to get rolled into the regular DC continuity, but hearing that Grayson and The Midnighter fight sounds crazy! DC is really different now.
I kinda wished they'd stayed with Grayson as Gotham's Batman with Damian as Robin. And Bruce having global adventures. That was super

You kinda should know.

Aw, man. He's going to respond to you guys and I'm going to forget to check this and I'll never know what tabloid website created the rumor that Levy hates Biggs.

So if his name is SHAZAM, doesn't he risk being turned back into the kid just by introducing himself?

This last season was the best yet.

Yeah, it's kind of a self-referential cartoon more worried about gags than continuity.
I mean, a wizard did it! Amidoinitrite!?

Well, this was a balanced review where the reviewer waited to form an opinion until after he viewed the film.

Once is funny. Twice is fine. Three times is just being a jerk.