
I am very much looking forward to a Prometheus sequel. But rest easy, Barsanti; it probably won't happen. Although I'm not sure why you'd dread it being made. Will a sequel to a movie you apparently didn't care for really affect you at all?

How are you holding up under the horrendous strain of being forced to read an article about a topic you care little about?

I would have suggested Debbie Gibson in Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus and Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark where she plays a scientist who stares at different colored liquids in test tubes for whole montages.

"Just keep airbrushing until I look like a Circus Peanut Candy"
-Garth Brooks before the above photo.

This is news?

What does Koski know about mocking a beloved franchise from the comfort of her desk chair?

The fact that I had to spell it out makes it sad. I can't see anywhere in my first post where there is a joke. And every indication that I'm making a point about the comments for this article.

I'm not making a joke and I'm referring to that post and all the lame responses to it. My point is that I find it reprehensible.

I guess your point is that my drawing attention to making light of what I consider a serious issue is less popular than Breaking Bad jokes? Congratulations.

At least his name is "Skyler" so we can have a few pages of commenters making insensitive Breaking Bad jokes.

Clever idea poorly executed.

Not reviews, no. I have filmmakers and talent I follow. Specific genres I frequent. And I will pay attention to buzz. But reading a review before seeing a film is just asking for someone to think for you. Especially on this website, where a good portion of the writers consistently miss the point.

Poor guy. He was the only one in his affluent neighborhood who saw that even angry music is about making money. How did he survive such a thing?

Somebody else decides what you watch?

This is one of the most shocking movies I've ever seen. The phone? I'm pretty sure I audibly yelled "no!" at the screen.

Truly, one should never read criticism on a work one hasn't already consumed. What's the point of having your views primed by someone else?

How did Dowd get this job? Is he related to someone?

That first paragraph might as well have been written about The Last American Virgin. A movie I'm pretty sure Dowd hasn't seen, otherwise he wouldn't consider the characters' motivations in this film to get laid all that novel.

I have a theory that most of the AV staff is drunk most of the time. They kinda hear what they want to hear.

Contempt? Did you watch the same video I did? Somebody is projecting like a crazy man.